


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Hopeowl

Age: 94 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Molly, She/Her

Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior

Appearance: A short-furred snowy white trans molly with dark amber eyes


Unlike Eaglemask, Hopeowl is grouchy and cold, yet acts more like a mother to Frostsong than Eaglemask does. Despite her chilling exterior and snappy attitude, the grumpy white cat is actually secretly quite sweet to most cats. How she fell in love with Eaglemask is a mystery, but they've made it work.

Hopeowl was born when LagoonClan was the most feared Clan in the whole forest. Her parents expected the most of her, just like they saw with a young Eaglemask. Hopeowl did as she was told without a question and followed instructions perfectly, though she wasn't happy. A part of her yearned for more than what she was living, and Applestar rising to leadership gave her that. Though, the more she hated Eaglemask, the more she wanted to spend time with her and mellow her out.

And thus, Hopeowl made it her own personal mission to try to break Eaglemask away from her war-like ways. And in a way, she did. By becoming her platonic partner and loving the molly, it was inevitable Eaglemask would soften up.

This didn't come to pass for a while yet, as the molly was stubborn to change her ways and outspoken of her disapproval of leadership, but Hopeowl would always be her constant, no matter what. She would of course try to talk Eaglemask down, sometimes spending sunrises away from the molly, distancing herself away from her, but she eventually would come back and hope she had learned something from being away from her friend.

Even when they had Frostsong together, Hopeowl acted more like a mother to them than Eaglemask did, and that was fine. She would love them, and Eaglemask would make sure they were strong.


Eaglemask: Platonic partner

Frostsong: Kit