Feng "Windbreaker" Raptorus



4 years, 23 days ago


A robot I came up with to draw for fun with my main sona. Feng "Windbreaker" Raptorus is a humanoid combat model fighting in a form of entertainment known simply as "The Arena". Combatants are thrown into a ring (both robots/androids) and fight until either is unable to continue. Operators are able to "Hijack" their bot up to 2 times per match if they or the bot they're operating for decide help is necessary.

Feng is cocky and loud mouthed, and ever a show off. His more decorative armor pieces are removable, and each piece of base armor is able to be removed and replaced. In addition, the white overlay can be carefully carved or "engraved". Engravings show up as a soft and warm gold.

Feng's color scheme is white, gold, and black. His hair and eyes are a bright, icy blue. 

He is 6'5", decently lightweight at around 260 lbs (considering he's a robot), and of a muscled/athletic build.