Solana Teasen'ghymn



4 years, 1 month ago










2     Strength
8     Dexterity
2     Constitution
3     Intelligence
1     Wisdom
2     Charisma


5    Acrobatics (Dex)
1    Animal Handling (Wis)
0    Arcana (Int)
2    Athletics (Str)
5    Deception (Cha+)
0    History (Int)
1    Insight (Wis)
2    Intimidation (Cha)
0    Investigation (Int)
1    Medicine (Wis)
0    Nature (Int)
4    Perception (Wis+)
2    Performance (Cha)
2    Persuasion (Cha)
0    Religion (Int)
8    Sleight of Hand (Dex+)
5    Stealth (Dex)
1    Survival (Wis) 






Languages: Common, Elvish, (+1 from High Elf), Thieves Cant

Tools: Thieves' Tools, Disguise Kit, Poisoner's Kit, Forgery Kit

Weapons: Simple; Hand Crossbow, Longbow, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword

Armor: Light


High Elf (+2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence) - Trance: Elves don't need to sleep, but meditate semiconsciously, for 4 hours a day. While meditating, I can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, I gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep, but I still need 8 hours for a long rest. 

Cantrip: I know one cantrip of my choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is my spellcasting ability for it.

Expertise (Rogue 1, PHB 96) [with four skills] - I gain expertise with two skills/thieves' tools I am proficient with; two more at 6th level

Sneak Attack (Rogue 1, PHB 96) [4d6] - Once per turn, I can add damage to finesse/ranged attack if I have adv. I don't need adv. if a conscious ally is within 5 ft of the target and I don't have disadv.

Thieves' Cant (Rogue 1, PHB 96) - I know the secret rogue language that I can use to convey messages inconspicuously

Cunning Action (Rogue 2, PHB 96) - I can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action

Assassinate (Assassin 3, PHB 97) - I have adv. on attack rolls against creatures that have not taken a turn in combat yet. Any hit I score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit

Bonus Proficiencies (Assassin 3, PHB 97) - I am proficient with disguise kits and poisoner's kits

Uncanny Dodge (Rogue 5, PHB 96) - As a reaction, I halve the damage of an attack from an attacker that I can see

Evasion (Rogue 7, PHB 96) - My Dexterity saves vs. areas of effect negate damage on success and halve it on failure


- I lie about almost everything, even when there’s no good reason to. [TRUE IDENTITY, #5] TRUE IDENTITY: She’s killed “enough” people in her time, she claims. If she had a conscious about it before, she’s since tried to bury it for the sake of her overall motivations. Once she’s done what she’s set out to do, she’ll be ready for life to take her when it wishes. Habitual liar due to covering her tracks, as well as so many identity changes over short amounts of time—Solana is the longest persona she’s had running due to her time with OLD CREW, which scares her a little. May also have deeply rooted trust issues starting from when learning what happened to BIO MOTHER and BIO FATHER. - I have a joke for every occasion, especially occasions where humor is inappropriate. [FALSE IDENTITY, #2] FALSE IDENTITY: Jokes come out more to herself than anything, as well as to anyone who happens to pay attention to those little “slips of the tongue.” Has seen too many of her friends die to accidents, disease, and the like, so she makes jokes to ease her out of any ill feelings. Seems to delude herself into believing old wives tales and fairy tales, taking them in as facts. Has trouble keeping up with information despite her best efforts, but she is doing her bestTM. Tends to romanticize what she finds, which doesn’t help things. Any inconsistencies are chalked up to her “nature”—i.e. that’s just Solana being Solana. Oh you.


- Independence. I am a free spirit—no one tells me what to do. [TRUE IDENTITY, #1] - Aspiration. I’m determined to make something of myself. [FALSE IDENTITY, #6]


- I owe everything to my mentor—a horrible person who’s probably rotting in jail somewhere. [TRUE/FALSE IDENTITY, #2] - A powerful person killed someone I love. Someday soon, I’ll have my revenge. [TRUE/FALSE IDENTITY, #5] TRUE IDENTITY: She owes everything to her mentor, SECRET MENTOR, but mentor isn’t rotting in jail. Mentor’s instead hiding behind the façade of being an unassuming wife of a bard. FALSE IDENTITY: She owes everything to locals who’ve helped her survive growing up and make the shift from street urchin orphan to “sort of self-taught” wandering scholar. Some of the people who taught her self-defense might’ve ended up in jail or died—she isn’t too sure anymore since she’s roamed around from place to place all her life. Whether the people are horrible or not is a case by case scenario.


- I’m convinced no one could ever fool me the way I fool others. [TRUE IDENTITY, #3] TRUE IDENTITY: She’s still suspicious of most people she meets in the long run of things. (Is their loyalty to POWERFUL PERSON?) However, she feels that no matter what they throw at her, it can’t be as bad as the skeletons in her closet. Actually… doesn’t care what they think, will run if it means saving her own behind because she can’t die until she kills POWERFUL PERSON. - I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I’ll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough. [FALSE IDENTITY, #6] FALSE IDENTITY: Trusts everyone she meets to a fault, inquisitive (asks a lot of questions) “out of curiosity” and a want to get to know them. Wants to be brave and defend but gets scared, which leads to cold feet and fleeing.


aka Nin’Emel Kennyrlylth (True name!)

Class: Rogue: Assassin 
Race: High Elf 
Size: Medium
Height: 54-56 
Weight: 134 
Gender: Female 
Hair: Silver-White 
Eyes: Blue 
Skin: Pale 
Age: 125 Years (Consider equivalent to 25-year-old human) 
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
Faith: TBD 
Weapons: Rapier, Shortbow, Dagger (2) 


Solana Teasen’ghymn [FALSE IDENTITY] 
Sol : history, memory 
-an / -ana (-a; -ani; -uanna) : make, maker 
Teasen' : Trackers of 
-ghymn : The forgotten ways 

Nin’Emel Kennyrlylth [TRUE IDENTITY] 
“My Heart” (First box on second link, Sindarin.) 
Kennyr : Sworn to -
lylth : The blade 

Nimenel Kille’eplith [EXCUSE NAME for TRUE IDENTITY] 
Nim : deep 
-en : autumn 
-el (ele / -ela) : hawk 
Kille : People of 
-eplith : The forest 

Vonerl Dwin’zea 
Von : ice 
-er (-erl; -ern) : winter 
Dwin’ : Walkers in 
-zea : The crystal growth 

Shaeth Bannialtin 
Sha : sun 
-deth (-eath; -eth) : eternal 
Banni : Holder's of 
-altin : The branch 
Koeh : earth 

Tha’vinon Heasi’raheal 
Tha : vigil, vigilance 
-vin (-avin) : storm 
-on/onna: Keep/Keeper 
Heasi : Those above 
-raheal : The gods 

You have always had a way with people. You know what makes them tick, you can tease out their hearts' desires after a few minutes of conversation, and with a few leading questions you can read them like they were children's books. It’s a useful talent, and one that you’re perfectly willing to use for your advantage. You know what people want and you deliver, or rather, you promise to deliver. Common sense should steer people away from things that sound too good to be true, but common sense seems to be in short supply when you’re around. The bottle of pink-colored liquid will surely cure that unseemly rash, this ointment—nothing more than a bit of fat with a sprinkle of silver dust—can restore youth and vigor, and there’s a bridge in the city that just happens to be for sale. These marvels sound implausible, but you make them sound like the real deal. 
d6 Scam 4 I put on identities like clothes. 
You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy. 
Charlatans are colorful characters who conceal their true selves behind the masks they construct. They reflect what people want to see, what they want to believe, and how they see the world. But their true selves are sometimes plagued by an uneasy conscience, an old enemy, or deep-seated trust issues. 

BIO MOTHER: ??? ??? 
BIO FATHER: ??? Kennyrlylth 
SECRET MENTOR: ??? Bannialtin 
FAMILY FRIEND: Shaeth Bannialtin 
BIO MOM’S BOSS: ??? ??? 
POWERFUL PERSON: Tha’vinon Heasi’raheal 
NEXT HIT: Fargrim Rumnaheim 

BIO FATHER’S FAMILY: The Kennyrlylth Line 

Before Nin. 
Starting point. 
> BIO MOTHER took up the assassin life after unintentionally killing a man who was trying to take advantage of her sister. She was cornered, left with little to no options. It was either her sister or him. BIO MOM’S BOSS happens to witness this event (bystander at the wrong place and wrong time) and strikes a deal with BIO MOTHER, seeing potential from her. Also, takes up work as a spy from BIO MOM’S BOSS. 
> BIO FATHER comes from a family who actively take part as assassins. Think: family line of assassins. He’s one of the youngest members. Trained from an early age to fend for himself and develop quick reflexes due to being a possible target with his family’s line of work. That family has considerable notoriety in THEIVES GUILD. Chance encounters and reputations. 
> BIO MOTHER and BIO FATHER meet when by chance both have the same target. A security compromise occurs (tightened security) and the two are forced to work together to complete their missions. Still a little wary of the other, BIO MOM more used to the idea of working alone, but both have some form of mutual respect for one another. Missions are successful of course, and neither tell the other’s employer of their team up. (Decided on their own without discussing to one another.) 
> Both were like-minded—good at their jobs for the sake of survival (BIO MOTHER) or family traditions (BIO FATHER), but didn’t feel any particular attachment to the craft. Not allowed to/it’s unheard of to object/it’s all they’ve ever known, so for a long time they stuck with it. Both develop reputations for themselves in their own areas over time. At first, it doesn’t click for them when they hear tales/word about each other. 
> It’s a small surprise when they run into each other again, both undercover and gathering intel at a tavern. Time is precious so they don’t get far beyond a meaningful glance before going off on their own respecting missions. When both finish at their own times, they can’t help but visit that tavern on their own accord. Out of wanting to re-confirm things with their own two eyes, and admittedly, a little curiosity. Due to bad timing on both ends, they narrowly miss each other, and return to their posts a little more dejected than they’d care to admit. 
> A few more unrelated run-ins occur. They get further in conversation each time. When they hear the other mentioned in talk, they pay a little more attention. It’s BIO FATHER who calls out first to BIO MOTHER, asking “Do you want to see each other again?” A pause. “N…Maybe.” Over time, the two become close, or rather, as close as their occupations would allow. 
> Meanwhile, times and politics escalated in the years before the last war against A-LAND. THIEVES GUILD gets more involved and even BIO MOM’S BOSS was affected to a bigger extent than intended. It’s here that POWERFUL PERSON plays a prominent role in all of their lives, when in the past he was but a famous name in passing, a figurehead of great standing—for very different reasons in the public eye versus the underground world the assassins are very familiar with. 
About POWERFUL PERSON. Tha’vinon Heasi’raheal. 
> Lawful evil. Is convinced he is altruistic in his actions and is charismatic enough on the surface to convince others of the same. Think: his way or the highway. He is more or less convinced he is right, even when he’s wrong. “This is for the good of the country, the people, society at large!” 
> Very calculating, thorough, and exact. Shrewd. Expects and wants a very complete job out of whoever he takes on. Makes sure to be just the same way when it comes to his end of the work. 
> Would rather not get his hands dirty directly, which is why he’s built a network of people to do various parts of the work he needs done as needed. Has a very select group of people he’s entrusted with the most classified of information and details. Then it trickles down from there, and he only gives what’s necessary to everyone else. That top percent is the most competent and loyal he believes he can find. 
> In the public eye, he is a very level-headed diplomat and an advisor/consultant to ruling classes. A position of trust to a good portion of people. Sort of a private person, but people chalk that up to his low-key demeanor. A man of few words, but impactful, powerful ones when it’s time to be thrust into the spotlight. 
> In the underground world of the assassins, he almost never shows his face and in most cases, has others deliver information on his behalf, usually one of his top percent, who would pass it on to where it needs to go. Very much a shadow boss. 
> Tall, elven. Probably a grey elf (high elf sub-race). Much older, over 300 at the very least. Possibly early to late 500s. Won’t be the first to draw a blade himself, but if he has to come into action himself, he can put up a good fight. Somehow graceful in his movements. Doesn’t care for monologues until he feels certain his target will die. 
The mission. 
> Tensions rise to an all-time high. Through his own research and intel, POWERFUL PERSON is led to the conclusion that the root of most, if not all of the current commotion is one of the countries neighboring A-LAND. 
> Basically, the genocide of an entire city. Blamed on a dragon. [TBA] 
> BIO MOTHER AND FATHER quit in the aftermath. [TBA] 
Enter: Nin. 
Vague Summary Thing 
> “With her heart sworn to the blade, Nin claims little regard for much else, and ... [TBA] 
> Her life before the descent into her trade is more or less a blur, buried under haphazardly woven tales and half-truths. It wasn’t until much later that Nin learned she was the supposed product of an unusual union between an elven couple gone rogue, that going rogue meant something beyond out of wedlock, and the “fire” that took her parents away was little more than a spark, a piece of the piercing truth—and something, or rather someone much, much bigger than herself. 
> However, until that point, by a stroke of good fortune, she was found amidst the ashes and metallic remains by a local bard, who by then had become a recent family friend, and his peculiar wife. As both took pity on her, they raised her for a time until they came into contact with a thieving guild that supposedly had more answers than them and thus, heavy-heartedly passed her onward with the few belongings, clues, and words of caution she could bring along. 
> It was there that her agility once practiced with song and danced were honed further into rooftop leaps and hastened movements in the shadows, learning what she could from the guild and streets, missions and heists. She kept quiet about her birth name as she promised her foster guardians, opting to listen in awe at rumors and tales of her parents by other members of the guild, and piece by piece, put together the puzzle of her past. What was once a seed of curiosity, a longing for the family she never knew, soon sprouted into anger, a thirst for retribution. Revenge against the one responsible for taking away her parents, who had only wanted atonement by attempting to turn a new leaf. 
> So the elven rogue cast her lot, and bidding a farewell to the guild, set out on her own. One by one, Nin intended on... [TBA] Details 
> Nin had a short-lived time with her parents. BIO MOTHER and BIO FATHER are killed while Nin is a baby. It’s implied that their past revolving around their involvement in a mission caught up to them, and they are targeted to be killed by POWERFUL PERSON. Nin survives due to quick thinking on the part of the parents—she’s hidden away in a secret compartment. To the people who finished the job, she’s assumed dead by the freezing temperatures if not the fire used to burn down the home they lived in. 
> Following the tragedy, she’s found and adopted in by a FAMILY FRIEND and his then-fiancé (SECRET MENTOR). SECRET MENTOR called that due to her sort of shaping Nin’s worldview towards what it is today. Turns out to be BIO MOTHER’s sister. Kind of a shrinking violet at a glance, very soft-spoken. Nin spends a good chunk of her childhood there before ultimately getting taken in by THIEVES GUILD on her personal quest to find out more surrounding her parents’ demise. 
> Truth connected. 
> Cues OLD CREW. 
> Temp Mission. 
> About NEXT HIT. Fargrim Rumnaheim. 
> Anywhere from 250 to 300 years old. Gruff. Built, mean right hook with sledgehammer. Suffers from an injury on left leg never quite healed right from a war years and years ago. 
> Mainly works in charge of supply of precious gems and metals, but used to do a lot of forging. Give him the right price and he’ll still be willing to make a special piece or two for exception. His works are sought after for their durability and aesthetic. 
> Does business with POWERFUL PERSON as well as other individuals. Won over by POWERFUL PERSON, and the sword that POWERFUL PERSON keeps is handcrafted by him. Has hand-delivered the sword as well, making him one of the few people who saw POWERFUL PERSON away from the public eye in that kind of setting. Is trusted with various warehouse locations, and gave under the table supplies for POWERFUL PERSON during wartime. Still considers POWERFUL PERSON an acquaintance, but a trustworthy one. Not quite the closest confidant for POWERFUL PERSON, but that’s more due to NEXT HIT not leaving his business often enough outside of negotiations. 
> Was traveling around due to supply expansions mostly related to his other deals, but will visit warehouses in person for POWERFUL PERSON due to thoroughness expectations (and he is getting compensated for all this, so). 
> Motivation for following PARTY CREW: 
> Semi-recently killed another figurehead, so laying low for a bit. 
> Gathering information on area (getting a feel for how things are there), looking for leads/more information on next target. Heard target would be interested in wherever crew was going. 
> Plans to leave crew either when: 
A. Target is where she wants him to be. 
B. She gets sufficient information. 
C. “Too much is compromised.” 
> Easier to blend into a crowd/motley crew. Less suspicion/divided attention. 
> Borrowing supplies or letting them exhaust theirs means she gets to keep more of her own gear. 

Notes of Interest: 
> Got bitten by a werewolf‪—‬apparently can go from hybrid to full wolf at will at night 
> Obtains Ring of Free Movement?? 
> Entered a tournament with PARTY CREW to obtain information 

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