


7 years, 4 months ago


Relationships: (check links)

Short info:

she loves sport
she's very strong and she works out. her crab claws can cut through metal
she has a very strong jaw (she can bite a coconut)
she's stubborn and mean for newbies.

her hair grows very fast (for her bangs to cover her face it takes 1 day) she cuts it herself (with her claws). That allows her to change hairstyles very often


She's that kind of person that loves making fun of others in a way that no one gets offended. She loves competitions and fair game. She gets extremely angry whenever someone cheats even if she doesn't participate. She takes action when needed. Always speaks up and tells the truth, even tho it's hurtful. 

Work outfit:

About her planet and adaptation of her species:

it's a huge rock covered with sand. no surface water. full of mountains with caves. There're a lot of natural disasters like earthquakes so they can't build houses and they have to travel. Mostly live is in caves because of water but it's dangerous to live there because of natural disasters. Because of the rough climate creatures evolved so it's easier to survive (like hard skin). They have a strong jaw (can bite a coconut) because of the hard plants and meat. Her planet is pretty close to the sun so their fast growing her can protect them from it.  

About her species:

Very strong creatures that like to throw rocks at each other. They like to compare their strength by playing games. They live about 50 human years without "old" stage.