Violet Neitzol



4 years, 1 month ago


aaaand another very messy profile that i'll fix someday maybe

Name: Violet Neitzol

Nicknames: Vio(she REFUSES to be called "Vi" as it is her sister Vyrilein's nickname(but replacing the y with an i), and she wants nothing to do with Vy)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Violet is someone who is initially quiet, due to a desire not to be criticized for standing out. Since she's spent her whole life being compared to someone who has consistently been better at things than she is, she has low self-esteem. But rather than taking it out on herself, it's typically expressed through her short temper with everyone around her, believing that everyone around her will judge the same standards she's always been judged against (that is to say, judged on a basis of what Vyrilein did), so she snaps at others easily. But even in the face of this, Violet is always honest about her thoughts, and because she hates the skewed perspectives of other people, she is almost always fair in her judgements. Violet is always afraid of not being good enough or living up to the standards other people have set for her, and just wants to be seen as her own person, rather than a shadow of Vyrilein.

Deck: Flower Beast (I made this archetype up)

Story: w.i.p. but she's in the same year of Duel Academy as Jaden/Judai/the main GX crew. She and Vyrilein were never very close, as Vyrilein never interacted much with Violet and looked down on her to a notable degree. Since Vyrilein was always super smart and good at everything, Violet felt that she was always being judged based on the precident that Vyrilein set, and never simply as her own person. When she finally got into Duel Academy, she decided to use it was a chance to finally prove that she was just as good as her sister. She became pretty good friends with the Jaden/Judai/main crew of GX

Family: Vyrilein Neitzol (older sister)

Friends: the main cast of GX pretty much

Enemies: basically the antagonists of GX

Motives/Goals: Proving herself to Vyrilein, being acknowledged as her own person, getting over her fears

Fears: Not being good enough, Vyrilein being right(you'll see about what later), not being remembered, legit just Vyrilein

Likes: Her friends, flowers, recognition, being near people, praise, the color purple

Dislikes: Winter(it kills flowers), Vyrilein, being told she isn't good enough, manipulative people


-Somewhat insecure about the fact that she only barely got into Duel Academy (as she starts in Slifer Red), but takes it as a win since she got in at all

-Scared of her sister, but at the same timewants to prove herself to Vyrilein

Design notes:

-Her hair is a gradient

-The outfit in her ref is what she wears for casual clothes. She wears the Slifer Ref uniform at Duel Academy

-The shirt of her casual outfit only has a sleeve on one arm

-Even when she wears the Duel Academy uniform, she has a flower in her hair