
3 years, 11 months ago


Basic Info

Full Name: Amaya 雨夜, Takiya 滝夜 (Taki Amaya 滝雨夜)


Occupation: Goddess of Rain, more specifically Goddess of Night Rain

Age: 18 (180?)

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian


Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture (old Izumo Province), Japan

Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan


Hair Colour: Reddish

Eye Colour: Green




Amaya has red hair and light green eyes.



Amaya might come off as pushy because when she sets her sight on something, she doesn't stop until she drags everyone she knows along with her. She also has no trouble voicing what she feels and will retort impulsively even to her elders. Ambitious. Generally reserved when talking about herself. Coming from a family of warriors, especially looking up to his great uncle Take, she always resented how mentally slow she was to process things. She finds solace to be comforting, but it may be due to her secluding and shielding herself from others for fear of seeming idiotic or not up to her family name. Outwardly, yes, she will act like she does not care at all for those things, but deep down she can't help but care for those things immensely, as it is what was ingrained onto her by her parents. Since her memory is all fuzzy, all she has are traces of her mind, and therefore these behaviors are instinctual.



Born in Izumo Province to Taki-Tsu-Hiko and Izuya, Amaya has no recollection of her past apart from scattered remnants in her memory that make no sense.





Ōkuninushi: He is one of the central deities in the cycle of myths recorded in the Kojiki (ca. 712 CE) and the Nihon Shoki (720 CE) alongside the sun goddess Amaterasu and her brother, the wild god Susanoo, who is reckoned to be either Ōkuninushi's distant ancestor or father.  In these texts, Ōkuninushi (Ōnamuchi) is portrayed as the head of the kunitsukami, the gods of the earth, and the original ruler of the terrestrial world, named Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni (葦原中国, the 'Central Land of Reed Plains'). When the heavenly deities (amatsukami) headed by Amaterasu demanded that he relinquish his rule over the land, Ōkuninushi agreed to their terms and withdrew into the unseen world (幽世 kakuriyo), which was given to him to rule over in exchange. Amaterasu's grandson Ninigi then came down from heaven to govern Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni and eventually became the ancestor of the Japanese imperial line.




Aji-suki-takahikone: A God of Thunder.

Great Uncles

Take-mi-kazuchi: Takemikazuchi (建御雷/武甕槌) is considered a god of thunder and a sword god. He is otherwise known as Kashima-no-kami, the chief deity revered in the Kashima Shrine at Kashima, Ibaraki (and all other subsidiary Kashima shrines).

Raijin: Raijin (雷神), also known as Yakusa-no-Ikadzuchi-no-Kami (八雷神), Kaminari-sama (雷様), Raiden-sama (雷電様), Narukami (鳴る神) and Raikou (雷公), is a god of lightning, thunder and storms in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion. The name 'Raijin' is derived from the Japanese words kaminari (, meaning "thunder"; on-reading rai) and kami (, meaning "god"; on-reading shin or jin). Raijin is typically depicted with fierce and aggressive facial expressions, standing atop a cloud, and is shown beating on drums. The drums are often shown to have the symbol tomoe drawn on them. Raijin is often depicted as a protector or warrior figure within Japanese temples and shrines.

Great Aunts




Taki-tsu-hiko: Also known as 'Prince Cataract'. God of waterfalls. Son of Aji-suki-takahikone and nephew of Take-mi-kazuchi, dwells on the mountains and is the god of waterfalls. West of the Kaminabi mountain (Mt. Obunesan in Izumo City) there is a stone that became the soul of Taki-tsu-hiko. Taki-tsu-hiko was said to be in the shape of a rock. Prayers are sent to him for rain in times of drought. In some depictions the deities appear as serpents or dragons. In early times, red, black or white horses were sacrificed to bring rain and red horses to stop rain.


Izuya (伊須夜)



Skills and Limitations

- She's got a sight condition. In ancient times, there was no cure for this disease, and so Amaya doesn't think much of it and has become accustomed to her worsening sight.



Special Skills

- Her emotions can, by instinct—although her forefathers taught her that her powers would be more precise with training—, control water, especially rain and waterfalls close to a valley. For example, if she is furious, drops are sharpened into needle-like weapons to attack an enemy. If she is in need of warm water, she might just find that the water falling onto her is warm, or sometimes hot, unintentionally. Freezing water has been hard for her to do.




Kind of God

- Goddess of Rain. She can't exactly control rain yet, but her powers grow stronger when at night or when near a valley.










  • She likes playing shogi, but she doesn't think she's good at it and occasionally slips and makes a really stupid move.
  • Rainy days where the sun is showing—if there's a rainbow, even better—are her favourite.
