


4 years, 11 days ago


Forest is the dismal to Cucat's delight. She is quiet, blunt, and can be very rude to the people she doesn't trust, which is mostly everybody. 

She grew up with Cucat and Cucat alone and because of that has grown an unshakeable attachment to him. Growing up in the wilderness has given her opportunity to become skilled in navigation and travel across the land. If you need to get somewhere, Forest can get you there, easy. Only if Cucat comes though XD.

Forest eventually faces some challenges in regards to necromatic (dark) magic. She was almost killed, revived, used, and used again by it, resulting in her deep fear of the field. However, despite her fear of it, she becomes curious of it and eventually learns to harness it (be it having a lot of troubles and struggles along the way). This granted the young human immortality for as long as she needs, allowing her to live alongside her Elven Father figure for as long as she or he needs.

She is content staying with him, her Master, and will fight anyone who tries to hurt him.