


7 years, 6 months ago


Lost track of his age
Vishakha comes across as pretty tame for a serpent- he's always smiling and he's managed to have long conversations before. As a very curious being that rarely sees the light of the day, he enjoys observing anything that finds their way down to the sewers; his home. But Vish is unpredictable, and there lies the threat he poses. While he may act civil and at times even kind, it's never quite clear what he actually thinks. Does he see someone as food? Or is he genuinely intrigued? It's better to stay cautious either way.

For pretty much all his life, Vishakha has barely ever left the sewers. He was born down there, grew up down there, and now resides there. Considering that right above him, life is buzzing, he's never understood how the "outside people" know their own underground so little. A solitary species by nature, he's never stuck around another of his kind for too long, conflicts quickly outnumbering the advantages. Most of his day consists of sleeping, catching rats, and trying to find the occasional lost person. Vishakha has considered leaving the city, but wouldn't know where to go.

- he particularly enjoys watching the groups of homeless people and smugglers that sometimes make their way through his territory
- The thing he's wearing around his shoulders is actually part of a net he found down there.
- Has never actually tried to fly
- Has left the sewers before, mostly at night, to explore the city. He was almost always spotted and chased back down by guards.
- Is not a coward, but knows when it's best to back off
- Awkward moving around anywhere else but in his home.
- Sometimes finds shiny things and keeps them in a secret place.
- daylight hurts his eyes a lot. His hair is therefore handy.
- yes he doesn't have a nose, he uses his tongue to smell

Created & Owned by cyleana