


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name


Goes By











Flower Gift






As a human, Cherrim was a sweet girl named Sakura. She had moderate grades when it came to her trainer schooling. Always fond of the grass-types, she became infatuated with a Gardener trainers grandson. The two became quick friends, and soon after that, they began to date. For three years the two were always seen together. Whether they were training, or just picnicing. Finally on her eighteenth birthday, her beloved boyfriend became her fianceé.

The planning had been perfected, and they were set to wed when the cherry blossoms began to fall from the trees. However, she never once realized that she was being fooled. That grandson that she had so taken to was actually secretly part of Team Rocket. Though he said he loved her, and maybe he really did, he never intended to wed her. He just needed her to let herself become weak and dependant. He's seen to it that there was no way that she could put up any kind of fight.

On the day of her wedding, her fiance never showed up. She waited, many hours past their appointed time. First there was worry that he'd been hurt. Then there was the fear that it was worse then hurt. Finally, she realized that he was just not going to come. Left alone on the alter, the broken hearted woman sunk into despair, closing herself off from her family and friends. Even the Gardener who was like a grandparent to her was cut off. Sakura had never experienced pain like she was feeling at that moment. Though most people took pity on her, other sought to use her sorrow for their own purposes. Luring her away, promises of happiness and joy...The very people that her fianceé had sent to capture her in her state of pain.

Instead of a blissful wedding and happiness with her husband, she was met with torture and fear at the hands of Team Rocket. Blood-stained tools and loud arguments were the symphony of her transformation. The chorus of screams and cries from her. The dying gasps of Pokémon around her. She didn't understand. They didn't understand. No longer a human, she was part pokemon. She could feel the power surging through her as she lay on the cold table. The blood of a Cherrim flowing through her. The Pokémon that she had become had lost her memories, and she shed her human name, instead just refering to herself as "Cherry".

Having taken pity on his former bride-to-be, the grandson left her wedding gown and veil for her to dress herself in once the experimentation was done. Though she feels scorned and betrayed, she dons the clothing in an attempt to keep her inner rage alive. She sought to seek the man who left her to her torture, wanting for him to experience her pain. Even just a little. Despite these thoughts, Chrry is a non-violent person and tends to avoid conflict as best as she can. She does not like to argue, and in fact becomes very withdrawn if someone starts to yell at her. She is shy, calm and has a fascination for seemingly ordinary things. She is very passive and is a heavy follower, never putting her own opinions out there, instead keeping them to herself, even if they might actually benefit a situation.

In this way, she is very easy to manipulate, and the rumors of her follow wherever she goes. A pained bride, left at the alter. A hope to find someone new. She herself is aware of the rumors, and plays to their advantage. She has on many occasions tried to make men fall for her, only to disappear. More rumors follow as people realize she's keeping the cycle of abandonment going.