Calisto Morias



4 years, 7 days ago



Voice claim: (maybe?) help



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Calisto Morais

Primary character/love interest??
He/him • 15 years old • INTP


  • CREATOR @WhiteLighters 
  • DESIGNER AviCode
  • OBTAINED BY Creation
  • ROLE Primary character
  • WORTH Priceless
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown


The son of the top boss, he's really spiteful and venomous for only being 15 years old. Plenty of people have really endearing nicknames for him , and his favorite is "Satan incarnate". Everyone plans on him becoming the next boss in his place, but he tries every method he can to get away from a responsibility. He has trouble making friends, and purposefully tries to intimidate people. He really can't stand Sawyer or Jay. His dream is to break Jay's positive outlook, no matter the costs, because he wants to witness someone as broken as him... Sometimes he's left to wonder if people really respect him, or just fear his outbursts.

                He knows almost nothing about his mother except that she was almost exactly like him. Lucas despised that woman since she broke her blood oath, so it could be part of the reason he's so neglectful of his son. Anytime Calisto does interact with his father, he's very emotionally distant. Calisto has never been told that either of his parents love him. He has so much trouble trusting adults because of this.

  • AGE15 years old 
  • HEIGHT4'11" ft. 
  • WEIGHT 100-120
  • SEX Male
  • RACE Half Black(Mom) , Half Native Brazilian(Father)
  • ETHNICITY Afro Brazilian
  • OCCUPATIONGang/Mafioso
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Rio de Janeiro
  • RESIDENCE South Zone
  • RELIGIONAgnostic 
  • SEXUALITYHe never really thought about it because he focused a lot on himself and was always avoided and left lonely.
  • SOCIAL STANDINGHis mother is lower , his dad is upper
  • STATUS Alive
  • Point Of View                                                         Nihilist


Clever • Educated • Mature • Loyal • Strong • Perceptive

                                                                                           DISOBEDIENT • ENVIOUS • FAITHLESS • FIERY • HAUGHTY • MOODY







  • Cheek biting. He bites the insides of his cheeks when he goes to sleep, and he sometimes wakes up to his mouth bleeding. the chewing usually really aggressive. 
  • Going threw other peoples stuff, or using it with out their permission. He always returns it, though. He was never really provided with anything as a young child so he just takes from others without regards to them.
  • His living spaces can get really messy, and sometimes he leaves messes he's made for other people to deal with. 
  • Has difficulty accepting limits for things
  • It's very difficult for him to control his temper.


  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Almost never uses slang, curses almost every 3 sentences, Often sarcastic or cruel,etc.
  • COMMON CONVERSATION STARTER: Depends on who you are, he has very different reactions to different people.
  • SWEARS?: Yes, a lot.
  • CONVERSATION QUIRKS: He raises his voice at other people often, and he sighs/grumbles a lot. He does it so much that it surprises others when he's actually talking softly. He used to yell a lot as a child to at least try to get his dad's attention, until he just realized it wouldn't work. He sounds tired a lot.


  • POSTURE: -
  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?: No, but he has drank beer and wine before, bought by Sawyer. He's multiple opportunities too, but it never held his interest. Everyone's too afraid to pressure him, anyway.
  • PHYSICAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES: No one knows if he has a condition or he's just really short for his age. He's seriously self conscious about his height, and hates when it's made fun off.
  • MENTAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES: Unknown? He's never been checked out cause his dad couldn't be bothered.




  • STRENGTH: Confident, in his abilities and himself. He interprets everybody's fearful reactions of him as false respect.
  • STRENGTH: Leadership
  • STRENGTH: Persistent
  • STRENGTH: Creative


  • WEAKNESS: Oversensitive.
  • WEAKNESS: Spitefulness. Sometimes he'll go too far and do something possibly worse just to get back at someone.
  • WEAKNESS: Defensive. He hates when people pry and question him, he'll just snap on that person.
  • WEAKNESS: Puppies, he'll do anything for them. He's takin this to the grave, though. Also, his tiger.


  • SKILL: Fighting, Sometimes it's like it's all he knows, mentally too.
  • SKILL: 
  • SKILL: 
  • SKILL: 











  • Herbal Tea
  • Roses
  • Horror art/gory things
  • Rap/and Indie music
  • Chocolate


  • Bland Food/Sweets (Except for chocolate)
  • Nature/The outdoors
  • bugs 
  • Jump scares
  • sporting


  • FOOD: Chocolate
  • DRINK: Rose water
  • COLOUR: Red/White
  • NUMBER: None
  • SPORT: None
  • ANIMAL: Tigers or Cats in genral; especially kittens (He'll also squeal over snakes)
  • HOLIDAY: Valentines day (Because of chocolate)
  • SEASON: Summer
  • TIME OF DAY: Night
  • GENRE: Horror


  • HOBBY: Describe your character's hobby here. What do they do to pass the time?
  • HOBBY: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • HOBBY: 


  • GOAL: Describe your character's goal here. Goals are a bit more different to dreams in the sense that goal would be a personal achievement they're working towards. It's more of a "near-end goal" as opposed to a dream in which it's more of a "far-off/ end-game" kind of goal.
  • GOAL: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • GOAL: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • DREAM: Describe your character's dream here. This isn't just what they hope to achieve, but it can be what they hope the world to be around them would be like. Goals are more personal; dreams are more about the world around the character.
  • DREAM: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • DREAM: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • FEAR: Describe your character's fear here.
  • FEAR: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • FEAR: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • SECRET: Describe your character's secret here.
  • SECRET: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • SECRET: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • He's short compared to the other characters, he's only 4'11
  • The yellow and blue are only contacts, his natural eye color is amber and he does not have heterochromia.
  • He has tiger like stripes across his cheeks, tattooed on.
  • Roses are not optional; He's always wearing at the very least, one in his hair. Their a really important aspect.
  • The red highlights are optional


  • He has multiple hairstyles
  • He owns a handcrafted wooden staff covered in flowers
  • His nose is usually always covered in red and yellow glitter (Always Sophia's fault)
  • His hair is black and he always wears brightly red roses in it, and occasionally the tips are shaded red from temporary dye.


  • BODY BUILD: Describe your character's body build here. Are they lean? Muscular? Chubby?
  • BODY SHAPE: Describe your character's body shape here. Are they hourglass-shaped? Pear? Apple?
  • EYE SHAPE: Describe your character's eye shape here. Are they droopy? Almond?
  • HAIR LENGTH: Describe your character's hair length here. Is it long? Short? Where does it end?
  • HAIR STYLE: Describe your character's hair style here. Do they tie it up in a low/ high ponytail? Do they have sideswept bangs?
  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.
  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.
  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.







  • He was never really religious and anytime people talk about any type of god he becomes uncomfortable and just blatantly tells them to shut up. His grandfather (Lucas's dad) is extremely hardcore religious and has had a huge argument with him over it
  • He despises Jay the most because he hates her at first, but eventually it just becomes that he wishes he could be as happy as she is with her life.
  • He's probably so short because he was malnourished as a child (Had to always get food himself, adults didn't trust him and suspected he'd just steal from them, which he would)
  • His nickname is Cali, which surprisingly, he doesn't hate
  • The family in his life that ever payed that much attention to him are Rahja (She's only around for about a quarter of a year) and his grandfather who's really judge-mental and apathetic towards his entire family. Rahja really only hangs around him because their both bitter and sarcastic.
  • He's the type of person to take advantage of kind people, and he doesn't really feel guilty about it.
  • Calls JV a lot of insulting nicknames whenever he can
  • He's like a living lie detector, knows all the ways to tell if someone isn't being truthful. He easily gets away with it himself.
  • He doesn't mind using all the colorful vocabulary he can, but draws a line when it comes to discrimination based on the way someone looks. He's probably just that way because he's made fun of a lot for how short he is, and he has experienced racism, especially as a really young child who would roam the streets alone. It makes him really angry when people try to control how someone looks and decide to share their opinions on it
  • Looks like his mom to a T
  • He has never been taken to any psychologists before, but some people really suspect that he has ODD and/or anger management issues
  • His motifs as a character are roses and tigers
  • He's the baby of his family 
  • Any meal he eats has to be very spicy or else it's just average to him
  • He never brings her up, but he'd really like to know who his mother is, he wants to see if she's any better of a parent that Lucas is



Sawyer Williams

they hate each-other


Jay Vance


Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.


Lucas Morais


Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.








