0. Maple



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info






Red Panda, everyone thinks he's a raccoon






Coffee, chocolate, most veggies and fruits, pepsi-soaked bread, rock music on his mp3, videogames, fast food, 90s vibes, lo-fi, getting ahead of Ginger.


Herb tea, people who don't respect personal space, being called "cute", heigh restrictions, fancy themes, children, fish, being touched.


Has been in every part-time job around town, is very good at most competitive videogames (more so Mario Kart), is more of a nerd than he seems, likes cute animals.


This character is a work in progress! Profile code to be added.

That's not a chibi, it's his real size. He smol. He is a red panda with a character. Is a realist person who doesn't have much faith in humanity, but cares about a reduced group of people. Has existential crisis every week and copes with lots of dark humor. 

Maple is known for having multiple jobs at a time, and also getting fired quickly. He is moved to wherever there's better chances at making money and tries his luck on everything risking his dignity (that walking cheese, the mascot of the pizza shop? That's him). He tells everyone he's saving money to disappear from existence, but in reality, he just wants to pay for college and study robotic engineering... but is there a difference between the two anyway?

When he's not suffering because of life, he's mostly seen around Ginger, his so-called best friend. They were originally enemies, but evolved to rivals and then a hard friendship; they mostly compete for who gets to go to college first, and honestly make a competition of everything they can. Maple doesn't stop saying he hates her guts, but he actually grew attached to that cat.

Other facts:

- He is totally mad about his size. He already kind of accepted it but will put you in his blacklist if you dare call him small or cute.

- Goes to every social event even though he said he didn't want to go. And then regrets going anyway.

- Will support others in doing dumb stuff. He will bring popcorn.

- Native language is spanish and goes full latino when mad.

-Anime trash.

-"¡¿Por qué c*ño nací en este país?! ¡Soy un p*to PANDA!"

- Is high 25/7.

-His arepas turn out square.

- He knows about Willow's powers and doesn't give a crap.

- Uses his tail as a hug pillow and is touch-starved. But doesn't let anyone give him affection anyway.

- Actually likes robotics and knows a lot about it, but the broke kid can't afford college yet.

- Maple is 45% energy drinks, 30% nerd material, 20% pure crisis, 10% reddit memes and 50% marijuana. Oh, wait, that's more than 100%. Well, sh*t.

Worth: $48.20