


7 years, 6 months ago


For a rpg on DA but it has been disbanded.

Name: Tanner Sucrov
Age: 18
Height: 6"1
Weapon: Amulet (source of abilities)
-Shadow Generation
-Shadow Camouflage

- He is easily impressed by simple things, if not, there is a good chance he missed it. Procrastinates. Tends to be tired a lot. Is shy, but he tries to socialize more often. When it comes to fighting he becomes more focused and alert. If his heart is set on something, he is as stubborn as a mule.

History: Tanner lived with his parents until recently.
     He moved to a small cabin in the woods where he found a job for an old-time logging company. He's not exactly the strongest guy around, so the work takes a lot out of him, but a few 'fight club' themed brawls with the guys has helped him with some hand-to-hand combat.
     Actually he got his ass kicked every time. He sucks at hand-to-hand combat.
     One night on his day off he came across a cave, and against his better judgment, decided to explore. The deeper he went ,the darker it got, and is starting to give him the creeps. He was about two paces from turning back when something caught his eye.
     A green rock dangling from the ceiling, just out of reach. In an attempt to grab the sucker, he tripped, tumbling to the ground and hitting his head on a slab of rock. Unfortunately he was knock unconscious on impact. When he woke up he found himself in a mysterious town he had never seen before, the amulet in his hand, and strange new abilities.

- Shadow Generation - Is able to create and control shadows and darkness. Is used mostly for defense and picking up (takes a lot of energy however) heavy objects.

- Shadow Camouflage - As long as the shadow is large enough, he is able to melt into it and become invisible. (can not teleport though shadows, has to remain stationary unless the shadow itself is moving. Which isnt much of a problem because he can create shadows. Also, he is only invisible not intangible, he's bumped into a few people while shadow eavesdropping. Makes the whole moment completely awkward.)

- Amulet is the source of his abilities, and although he's new and a bit shaky with controlling them, he will improve.



Should note: If he is without the Amulet (almost never) (ie, it was knocked off or someone grabbed it from him), his eyes will turn back to their natural color, a dark blue.

Edit: adding notes about outfit because it bugs me if i dont. haha.

-Whit fingerless gloves.
-Not a regular smoker, only likes to have one once in awhile. However always has a pack on him.
-White suspenders, one shoulder is usually off. (switches left or right side frequently)
-Tough water proof boots from logging.
-Loose sweater (inside pockets) with white pinstriped tee underneath. (also has small pockets on the outside)
-Gray striped belt
-Can you see the black and white theme here? I can.
-Oh and stripes, he likes those for some reason. Any thing with stripes is his thing.
-His pants are white on the inside, you can see it where the rips are and the edges are starting to fray.