
3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


11 (physically and mentally about 25)




Blaster, Katana, and Bass Cannon




Augment info: Beat
Yoko's weapons are intrinsically tied to her body, pulsating at a rhythm. when used on the beat of a rhythm, her attacks are stronger.


Past: Yoko was created about 11 years ago in one of the creator's laboratories, and after her initial tests and calibration, was given the task of exploring an uncharted galaxy within an alternate dimension with a crew of other protogen. She explored a few planets thought to have life within them, each having very primitive lifeforms with no other task on their minds than survival if any life at all. She was excited at her job at first, but over 10 years, it had become a dull chore for Yoko, but this all changed once she came upon a planet teeming with life, a planet that the local species had a NAME for: Draconia. Despite all this wonderous stuff,she was forced to stay away from these locals, doing her dull job once more. This, however, changed one night as she snuck around a town. As she felt bass booming from a nearby house. As she came closer, the rest of the sound became clearer. As she peaked by an open window, she couldn’t stop herself from tapping her foot to the beat as it shook her entire being! From then on, she found out how to tune into the music networks, sorting out what music she liked and didn’t as she spent her work and leisure listening to it. Unfortunately, her handler deemed it too distracting for them after her music almost jeopardised several assignments and re-assigned them far away to an aquatic planet so that they weren't distracted by it, but once she realized that, she defected and returned to the place with the music, equipped with an aquatic-type tail and a laser-pistol that wouldn't last them forever in the unforgiving wilderness.

Present: Yoko has made a name for herself as the “Beat Breaker,” being both a DJ and a strong fighter with her custom built Magitek beam katana and bass cannon resonating with the rhythm magic determined by the beat she plays resonating with the arcane magic she draws in, her laser pistol having been modified to also use arcane energy