Shinigami of the Norowareta




Name MeaningDeath Spirit
Surname MeaningN/A
NicknamesThe Shinigami of Norowareta
Romantic Orientation???
Height5'11" / 180cm
Weight143lbs / 65kg
Hair ColorBlack-Navy Blue
Eye ColorRed
Blood Type???
Astrological Sign???
Theme Color#0C2855
Professional Status
TalentUltimate Horologist
AffiliationHope's Peak Academy
'Clocks of History'
OthersYamato Mori(Carer)
Harue Mori(Girlfriend)
RoleplayUmigawa Academy
Voice Claims
Voice ClaimCaviar(Food Fantasy)

"I am Shinigami - the one that claims the lives of those that anger my Lord. Dare oppose me or them, and your clock will start ticking faster."

"Hey, have you heard of the ‘Norowareta Forest Rumour’?”

“Yes… Apparently those that walk in and spot a red pair of eyes never leave alive!”

“There were few lucky ones that survived, only because the spirit was busy burying their victims...”

“The Shinigami of the Norowareta - the one responsible for all those deaths; the one that stole the body of their victim in order to blend in...”

Rumors spread around like wildfire on one, wintery evening, when the lucky few managed to escape the forest while also having snatched a photo of the aforementioned ‘Shinigami’ - a tall, cold and imposing figure, their torn clothes dirtied as they were burying their new victim… The photo was posted everywhere, but no one dared to verify its validity.

The police didn’t dare interfere due to the rumors of the Spirit’s powers and other stories that the locals had come up with for the sudden occurrence of the supernatural… Perhaps that fear allowed the spirit to integrate itself into their lives, as there were claims that the spirit had been spotted in the ‘Clocks of History’ shop, working as a Horologist with Yamato Mori and his granddaughter, Harue Mori.

“It is an interesting tale of a Death Spirit summoned to this plane of existence… But it only had just begun~”


Shinigami’s of a not-so-humble height of 5’11”, with a meekly built body that’s always covered by some sort of clothing. Their hair is rather short, covering their right eye, as it has a hue of dark turquoise, with hints of black here and there. On their left side, they wear a rather large hairpin decorated with various colour-muted blue-pink-purple roses tied together with yellow ribbon, as a constantly ticking clock face keeps it all together, in one spot; their face is of a pale carnation, highlighting their bloody-red eye rather vividly.

Going down, Shinigami wears a black and blue, checkered shirt, along with silver ornaments and black buttons on it; there’s also a dark-blue ribbon tied around the shirt’s collar, with a blue gem in the middle of it, along with a ruffled black fabric that connects the ribbon to the coat. Speaking of the coat, their coat is of a black colour with silver finishings, reaching to their boots. The inside of it is lined with a blue fabric, decorated with random splotches of silver. Lastly, there’s another clock attached to the bottom of it, with an intricate, silver bezel and a small chain that ends with the same, blue gem.

And then, going down, Shinigami wears a pair of black trousers, tucked into knee-long boots on a 3 inch, blocky, heel. They are steel-reinforced, making their feet safe is a knife or any other sharp object would be dropped on them.


Shinigami is a mystery, to say the least; even if you’d ignore the lack of information about them in the public, their demeanor reveals even less about them. One could call them a cryptid, with how they show themselves to the world. Quiet, aloof, distant and cold - that is how the feared Shinigami is seen by those that meet them. They hardly speak, only when it’s necessary and when someone is able to hear them? They talk about how time waits for no one, and how the ones who wronged them in the past will pay for their crimes. Creepy-

And yet, despite it all, Shinigami is a quite logical person - there are only two people in their life that they would throw away their logic for, but outside of those two they will stay with cold facts over emotional connections; speaking of those, it is hard to make Shinigami call one a ‘friend’, as not only are they stoic and have seemingly no intentions of making friends, but they also don’t make a good friend with how absent-minded they could become.

Another trait of Shinigami is that they are very discreet and passive, preferring to be in the background and not in the middle of action. Even if they are skilled with blades such as knives, they would rather avoid conflict, especially since they don’t want more problems to fall onto the family they are staying with.

Creation Origins

Shinigami was first born from a music meme, where you'd randomize your playlist and the first 5 songs corresponded to the prompts; the first song represented the character's design(I got Primal Dialga's Theme), the second was their personality(Karmic Logic from DRRBV), third was their relationship with their partner(Ayano's Theory of Happiness), fourth was their relationship with their family(Megalovania cover by Ytna) and then last song was their name's meaning(Lemon). Despite saying that I am only doing it for fun, I decided to keep them, as I started to get a few ideas about their potential lore.

While some songs were a stretch - such as their name being Shinigami from the 'Lemon' - they soon grew out of the songs and became their own thing. At the beginning, they were an abbrasive, arrogant and 'all mighty', threatening to anyone that would offend them, but now they are much calmer, though they remain cold and hard to talk to. The biggest inspirations for them outside of music were characters such as Barok Van Zieks(DGS), Phantom(Arknights) and Blackquill(DD), so cold and usually defensive characters.

Roleplay Experiences

Umigawa Academy






The Lord

The God of Death that created Shinigamis; rumours describe that Shinigamis gains their name by the area where they reside, and that they were all vegentful souls of people that were murdered in gruesome ways; The Lord decided to give those souls a new life, by haunting the land of Japan in search of revenge for their deaths as their Shinigamis.


Yamato Mori

An eldery man that's the owner of the shop called 'Clocks of History’, where he and his grandaughter make all sorts of clocks and watches by hand, to anyone and everyone. A somewhat eccentric man that was called 'The Mad Clockworker' by the rest of his small town, due to his stories regarding his wife and kids. He takes pride in his work, and even more pride in Harue, who he had taken care of after her parents had died in mysterious circumstances.


Harue Mori

Yamato's granddaughter and Shinigami's significant other; she became an orphan when she was young, due to her parents suddenly dying in mysterious circumstances. Just like her grandfather, she's slightly eccentric, but balances it out by her kindness and love for nature. It is unknonw why she and Yamato decided to let Shinigami stay with them, nor why she developed such a strong bond with them, but it is thanks to her that they are living and working with them.


  • Despite the way they speak, they aren't a Chuuni like Baka;
  • Shinagami is one of my few OCs that's also a DND Character;
  • They orignated from a music meme, and stayed as an OC.

Profile by Erandia
Fruits Basket OC Version by @MissMaryGrace