


4 years, 1 month ago


One of the oldest characters I've created who has stuck around as a major, primary representation for myself online. 

Age: lived full wolf life when mortal, 'incubated' for 100 years as a willow wisp, recently awoke as a fae!

Basic character details: On the surface Zaia appears to be a cartoony grey wolf plush. However, his stuffed animal body is actually the home of his true form, a glowing white wolf spirit, usually referred to as his "wisp" form.

Wild Magic Lore: Zaia seems to be a lost spirit trying to find his way, or perhaps find someone else? Though he's not much for speech, he clearly understands and communicates as best as he can when needed. When he stumbles upon Zoey in his wanderings, he finds that she's able to see and understand him even when he's trying to hide himself, leading him to cling to and follow her and the others as they're the first comforting presence he's found since waking up... Whoever that was trying to take him in when he FIRST woke up was... FAR too overwhelming... either way, perhaps traveling the world with these kind mortals could help him find someone he's hoping to meet back up with!