($30) Cass



3 years, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
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$35 - $50


Cass is a demon who lives with a bunch of 'good' and 'neutral' monsters. He was found lounging on their couch after crawling through the vents to break into their living room, and after thirty minutes of him convincing them that he wasn't going to try and kill them or steal anything and explaining his situation to them, they let him stay as a permanent resident of their home, and a few of them have practically adopted him as one of their own. The reason he had to sneak into their house in the first place is because he was kicked out by his parents after they found out that he had a boyfriend, which they learned by looking through his phone while he wasn't around. His boyfriend broke up with him shortly afterwards since his family was equally homophobic and were on good terms with Cass's own parents, which caused the other to worry about the newly uncovered information being leaked to his own parents and compromising his safety. Cass tried to help and suggested that they could find a place they could live together in, but the other teen vehemently denied Cass's attempts to find a solution and blocked his number afterwards. With nowhere else to really go, he decided to try his luck at the homeless lifestyle, which went as well as it could. Until a bout of torrential rain hit, that is. Fear of getting hypothermia or some other sickness from the rain led the demon to scramble for shelter, and thus ends the story of why he broke into the home of a bunch of strangers.

He won't admit it outright, but he's alright with his new life. The constant questions about demons are annoying, and the one housemate who's discriminatory towards them is a complete ass and manages to singlehandedly ruin his day about 40% of the time, but it's better than the stress his parents made him feel whenever they were home, where they'd either ignore him or drown themselves in alcohol and get violent with him. He did try to constantly escape his new living situation for the first few months of his stay though, since he wasn't comfortable around so many people and didn't want to leech off of them. After the dozenth time of being bodily dragged back home, he found himself getting to it over time and eventually decided that he enjoys most of their presences, though his excursions led him to find a new crush in a soccer-loving harpy named Ezra. Cass tended to hide in nearby bushes at the local park in the hopes of hiding from his housemates, and Ezra just happened to catch his eyes during one of his solo matches. Unfortunately, harpies are known for their sharp instincts, and it wasn't long before he was spotted and was then sucked into conversation by the bright boy. Once his housemates found him in the same park the fifth time around, they began to tease him about his obvious crush, much to Cass's chagrin. And once he confessed, they started to constantly pester him about bringing his boyfriend over for dinner, which he's sure they only want so they can give him the shovel talk.

Cass doesn't really have many interests, at least not when compared to most other people. He likes reading fantasy novels and books on sociology, though he also has a secret love for trashy magazines. He occasionally plays video games, despite the fact that he's horrendously terrible at most of them; strategy and puzzle games seem to be the only ones he can get through without assistance. He went to the arcade with Ezra once because the other told him that there was a cool fighting game they should play together, and he got absolutely decimated within the first thirty seconds. It was both their first time playing it, yet anyone could've though that Ezra was a pro when compared to his boyfriend. To compensate for his atrocious gaming skills, Cass manages to show that he's a proficient gymnast and can easily pull off some of the more difficult routines. He has trouble with being watched during it though, since he usually practiced at night when no one was around to see him. He also has a fear of heights, which means some routines are basically impossible for him, as he'll struggle to see straight and his limbs will become unsteady when he's too high up. In addition to his fear of heights, he's also afraid of spiders, insects, and thunderstorms, and is left quivering when one of them makes an appearance.

He's a pretty selfless kid and doesn't like it when he feels like he's taking advantage of people, which makes giving him gifts a whole affair filled with a lot of back-and-forth, since he'll try to decline the gift while the giver will become increasingly forceful in insisting he takes it. Surprisingly, Cass gets annoyed easily and will respond with clipped answers and occasional insults when he's stuck in a particularly irritable mood. What brings these on? Who knows. Sometimes it's just small noises, while other times it's people's presences. It just depends from day to day, and is practically unpredictable. Another thing that comes to him easily is embarrassment, which is mostly brought on by the teasing attitude of his housemates. He also gets flustered quickly around anyone he likes, platonically or romantically, and can end up in that state just from the other person coming by and trying to start a conversation. This is mostly because of the general lack of affection he was shown by anyone except his ex-boyfriend throughout his life, and has led him to be awkward when it comes to receiving or giving it, though Ezra's working on helping him warm up to it a bit more. His ability to get flustered easily applies if he believes he's made a mistake as well, which will result in him apologizing profusely, even if he didn't actually make a mistake or if it's a very minor one. He's used to getting called out and punished for mistakes by his parents, so he tries to avoid making them as much as possible.