Andrew Cavedish ❤️



4 years, 18 days ago



Name: Andrew Cavedish

Age: 27

Species: Coyote


Nickname: An

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Role: Sinner



If you could summarize his personality in a few words, you could say that he is charismatic and chattering, he likes to interact with people and always gets a topic conversation going, even the most superficial, he is someone outgoing.

He is the typical comrade who pulls you to parties or to have a drink, in addition to that he likes to gossip because the lives of others are just as interesting to hear, more than the boring daily tragedies on TV..

He has a cafe in which he is in charge of preparing what it sold, and if you'd like, he can put special "sugar" in your food for an extra price.

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But he also has an gentle side due to his past life and the time in which he lived, coming from a noble family who teached him good manners and how to use a few weapons, he just don't touches that topic much as he takes it as boring

He may look outgoing but there are certain topics he rather not talk about, such as his family

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Life is a party, one I wanna join in

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After spending so much years in hell, he just wants to feel alive and have a taste of fun doing his own thing and hobbies, meeting new people, and surviving each purge of course.

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  • Liquor, especially wine
  • Warm places
  • Card games
  • Tea with cookies


  • Naggy people
  • People talking on his back
  • Too quiet places
  • Family topics

  • His bite can do a lot of damage and he wouldn't hesitate to attack like an animal in an extreme situation.
  • He can both make his coyote tail appear and fade, especially if it takes up a lot of space.
  • He is capable of creating Short-lived illusions to trick others.
  • He has speed and good agility, as well as super strength.
  • He has a british accent as his born place was from there.

Design Notes:

  • Scar on the left eye.
  • His cheeks are a pale yellow.
  • White on the tips of his ears.
  • Red eyes.

Human Life (1813-1840):

He was born into a noble family, the Dukes of Cavedish, his father died when he was 5 years old and he stayed with his mother Duchess Aurora of Cavedish, the years passed and his mother married an Earl whom he never saw as part of the family

little Andrew was 20 when it was time to meet his future wife from a good social position which he didn't know before that day but they were already engaged almost since birth, Elisa was the name of his beloved which he fell in love so much.

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Time passed and He was a week away from his marriage when suddenly his mother died in a suspicious way, he suspected from his stepfather, the wedding was suspended due to the loss of Duchess Aurora.

Andrew was so devastated and sad. His future wife didn't console him as if she didn't care in the least when he needed support the most.

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One night his fiancee sneaked out and so he cautiously followed her...

What he found was her in an scandalous scene where she was being unfaithful to him with his stepfather, and listening to their conversation about how they had gotten rid of Andrew's mother and the next step to the plan was to poison him on the wedding night, Andrew was so angry and heartbroken at seeing the true face of who he loved that in that moment he took a sword and killed them both.

He scaped and 7 years later was captured and sentenced to death for murde, but that resentment never went away.

Beginnings on hell 1840 - :

In the beginning, what he prioritized the most was looking for a place to live but everything was out of his reach, or the options were at the most dangerous and neglected areas due to the purges.

So he took what he had and began with street magic tricks and cards, realizing that he had the power of illusion he could deceive those who happened to observe, with his good reflexes he would grab a couple of wallets or valuable things that he sold

Little by little the world was changing,and so was hell, he had no choice but to update himself and although he did not like the idea, he had to look for good methods, or dress more "on time.

Trying to leave the past behind and those outbursts of anger, he began to be more sociable, surrounding himself with people even if they were not mean to stay, but maybe and thus gain contacts in case he needed to do something big later on

Actuallity (2019-???):

Since in life many things were instilled in him as a young nobleman, he used pastry and gave it an special touch to his drinks and food with "special sugar" if you asked for it.

It is not that he overflows in money but he has what he needs to have fun and subsist at the same.

In recent years, many changes have passed, such as meeting a couple of people who have not left yet, a girlfriend and returning to his old attitude which is a little more calm.

he still has a certain addiction to drink and drugs but it is no longer so necessary in his routine, he sometimes misses the tricking people with card games


Brigitte [ Girlfriend]

They met casually at the mall, they talked a bit and after doing their shopping and hanging out a little more Andrew offered to invite dinner, from there they never stopped talking to each other and become closer to what they are today, he enjoys her company and gets along with her friends, and with her pet bunnies that he also likes to take care of.


Vanessa [ Old friend ]

They have known each other for a while, Andrew has approximately 180 years old in hell and they have known each other for maybe 50, although they don't frequent each other too much.

being both going through hard times they had a certain friendly rivalry, but then they just distanced themselves, and just got along with life on their own sides, he recently offered her to work in his cafeteria, she's still thinking about it.


Moomie [ Acquaintance/ Bri's Best friend ]

They don't know each other that much, but they have seen face to face several times because of Bri or he having to pick her up from her house, he doesn't know much about her but they both follow eachother on Voxtagram, and he knows she cares for her best friend.