Lieu Xanh Lang - Lou



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info











Police Officer


Hard working, Determined, Polite, Firm, Lawful


Unknown (Serious workaholic)


World of Darkness


-Currently Unnamed-


-3rd gen police officer from a family of Vietnamese immigrants working in the NYPD.

-Extremely lawful approach, working her hardest to help people out of a genuine need to assist and be a good person, but sometimes hard-headed, awkward, and often gets in over her head. Pretty much the hot-shot rookie trope doing her best to be a force for good in a harsh world.

-No supernatural experience so far (to her knowledge, anyways, the DM may disagree) and extremely skeptical, often worrying that it's simply an excuse for people to be cruel to and alienate folks who are just a little different. 

-Extremely good at what she does, but it's more due to her determination and willingness to burn the midnight oil than natural aptitude. She's developed a solid skill set, but said skills rarely come easily to her. (May have undiagnosed ADHD or on the spectrum somewhere, and brute forced he way to being more socially adept/adaptable)

-Exceedingly polite, being kind and proper to everyone she meets, sometimes a bit more than needed. Defaults to calling people Mr.X/Ms.X and if she's a annoyed, she may bump their title down to Ma'am/Sir at most. (Madam is more on the polite/formal side, ma'am is what she considers to be a step down) Often comes across as formal, stiff, and maybe a bit young, as mostly kids call everyone Mr.X/Ms.X.

-While she is rather empathetic to the needs/issues of others, she's not always super emotive and often comes across as sort of cold. In truth, she does care quite a bit, she just doesn't really show it, and is in a sort of constant state of formality to stay professional.

-Works in community outreach, connecting with the locals and dealing with smalltime problems. 

-Has an older brother who (unlike her) is a bit of a savant, easily figuring systems out, but he's also fundamentally lazy since he never had to truly study, and thus does precisely what is asked of him, but no more. (The one exception being his sister, who he is ride or die for) He basically quickly figures out the structures in place, and then immediately takes advantage of any shortcuts and loopholes. He's more of a good, and very charming, so he gets away with a lot of stuff, to the chagrin of his sister at times. He's a detective, think the classic loose cannon type, getting away with extreme actions because he gets results. Despite the occasional sniping back and forth (usually in the form of banter) the two have a strong bond, with her being the "good kid" and him being the "trouble-maker." He's high perception and charisma, while she's toughness and morality. She hits the pavement while he puts the pieces together.

-General family dynamic can be a bit intense. She comes from a line of police officers, which puts a lot of pressure on her to be a successful officer. Sometimes butts heads with her grandfather and father for different reasons, often connected to the contrast between the guys' old school techniques and her own attempts to make up for the current sins those cruel techniques have created. Her grandfather in particular is a very proud man that apologized for little, which drives her nuts, but she still tries to argue her points, resulting in the same circling arguments. Her brother encourages her to leave it (and her grandfather by extension) be, but she has an instinct to try and "fix" things, which kicks in hardcore. It's less "I have to be right" and more "I need to more strongly make my case because he clearly isn't understanding."

-Ususally wears a basic police uniform, sans hat, perfectly cleaned and maintained, with a few elements consciously arranged to look more casual (partially unzipped collar for instance, she doesn't keep the full collar up as 1) it's uncomfy and 2) it makes her seem even stiffer than she already is) She's meticulous in most things, especially when it comes to her job and the law.

-General philosophy: We have rules to help people, but if it isn't helping people, it's not a good rule. (So despite her lawful nature, she leans a bit to the neutral side, believing in concepts like Justice and the idea that the law is a complex tool we can use to improve our world)

Character inspirations: Nick Angel (Hot Fuzz), Kate Beckett (Castle), Leon (Resident Evil 2), Lois Lane (Superman), Judy Hopps (Zootopia)

NOTE: The campaign this character is for has not begun, so her storyline/elements will develop over time. This is a pretty good summary of her pre-game. Tho tbh, a large chunk of her arc is prob gonna be ditching the force since ACAB.