• Bowen's Comments



hoboy this character is super pretty! feel free to take a look at my folders! pretty much every single character doesn't have their art uploaded so if you're interested in anyone i can upload their art for you to see

Ohhh wow! Such lovely ocs.. Bowen is very meaningful to me so I will have to think for a while, however!! I did really like elnath and Enoch! Hmmm 

I really like this is it still available 

Yes he’s available! What are you offering?

I do my hero voodoo dolls if your interested 

Ahh I don't think I would use them, sorry!

I have a bunch of ocs up for offers if this bab is up and you’d like to look at them! The off limits ocs are still up but I’m just VERY tentative on them. These are the open folders!

Up for offers: https://toyhou.se/jaxicore/characters/folder:1915680 

Jaxi’s ocs: https://toyhou.se/jaxicore/characters/folder:1844198 

Main sonas: https://toyhou.se/jaxicore/characters/folder:1844194 

Hmm you have lots of beautiful ocs but I’ll have to think about it only since Bowen has a bit of artwork and means a lot to me!

I completely understand! Take all the time you need!

Thank you <:)!