
9 years, 3 months ago


Name: Tauros Altea Thorn

Nicknames: Bull, Tauro, Alternate

Species: Waterdog

Age: 21-25

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Pronouns: Male (he/him/himself)

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual polyamorous

Likes: Metal, piercings, reptiles, water, swimming, girls, boys, every other gender, pizza, punk rock, screamo, emo music, piercings, night, bright lights, seafood, freedom, books, cheesy romance novels, loud noise,

Dislikes: cheaters, disrespect, boats, humans, quiet, restrictions, classical music, dubstep, dolphins

Personality: Tauros is a massive punk and a huge metalhead. He loves loud sounds and most anything associated with concerts! He often talks a big game and seems to have the strength to back it up. He has a secret love for books and would do anything to get his sandy paws on one, especially romance novels. He's also the biggest flirt, and has a bad habit of spouting bad pick up lines at other waterdogs. He's very respectful though, and would never purposefully violate anyone. If he does, he normally apologizes and then beats a hasty retreat. He's not only pansexual, but polyamorous, meaning he wouldn't mind having multiple romantic partners at once. Despite how wild and seemingly show-offy he is, he's a truly good man at heart. Backstory: He was born to parents who were very restrictive and rude, not downright abusive but never letting Tauros have half the amount of freedom he wanted or deserved. After spending eight years of his life in this situation, he was taken away to a different home, living with a pair of lesbian waterdog mates who adopted many children. They let Tauros have more freedom than his previous family, while still remaining responsible enough to keep him safe. He grew up with more of the thing that he had developed a thirst for, and became a much more free-minded, flexible soul (the only thing that his parents disapproved of was him piercing his face). After spending around eght years with this family, he was released to live on his own as an adult.

Phobias: Claustrophobia

Relations: He is friends with the Sailor Trio (Corey, Teodoro, Aoki) and possibly Popsicle, although he IS known to irritate him. His relation to Balto is unknown, as he met him on one occasion and made him VERY angry. He's also the older brother of the user FrozenMaple 's Maxwell.