Hadeon's Comments

Bruh if you ever take offers on this bb hmu 👁

I mean I technically am-? Depends  on what ur offering tho 👉👈

OH okay ummmm do u,, see anyone on my th can also throw on 1.5k ac if u can hold for a tiny bit

I think the only ones I liked were Spid and Zach.. kinda liked Yuki and Ryder too (totally forgot I designed that boy omg, he’s gone so far 🥺) 

I could trade yuki?

Ahhh, I’m not rlly interested enough in them to trade for them unfortunately.. 

Thanks for the offer though <3

3 Replies

Helloo, so i just stalked ur Th and i was wondering if this bb was for sale?? im not sure since its in a mains folder so, so sorry if its Nfs!!

Honestly? it depends... I’m kinda attached but what are u offering 👀👉👈

Hmmm... someone(s) from my TempTrade Folder, (MeMeMe folder) Ivon, Ponk, Moon paw, (from Bab-Beauties) Date, Nameron? I'll also throw in 3 "Art Fight" busts/Headshots! (Kinda need to be jellinu or from the subs etc) and 300 AC? (Wish I'd be able to pay more but I would be unable to pay other stuff if I offered more ;)

Eeee unfortunately, none of the characters you offered were interesting to me and the characters that are interesting to me are nfs😔👊Sorry! Thanks for the offer tho! 

which are you intrested in that were nfs? *eyes*

Aidentity, Algae, Rocco, Esu and Sloog (esu I just checked is for sale, but I probably wouldn’t trade them straight for Hadeon ;-; )

2 Replies