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NAME Victoria Heks
GENDER Female (She/Her)
AGE 42
D.O.B Sep 1 (Virgo)
HEIGHT 5'5" (165cm)
ROLE Primary

Victoria Heks is a female wolf who plays a major role in the world known as the Animaliaverse.

She is one of the leaders of The Mage Division, alongside her wife Ziska. As an extremely powerful necromancer who is versed in all things magic, she is professionally known as the 'Archmage of the Dead'; she has also mentored several other esteemed mages, including ❄️️Bridget Wescott and Aaron Ridley.



As the successor of the Heks lineage, Victoria has maintained a professional and intellectual demeanor for most of her life. Personality-wise she is very similar to her often strait-laced mother, although she also inherited an appreciation for the romantic and a humble sense of humor from her older sister. She holds great respect for her family's history, despite deviating from their ancestral work in criminology to instead become a full-fledged mage. Her high social rank has allowed her to become comfortable with public speaking and functioning in leadership positions. She is also well-acquainted with the prime minister of The Canine Kingdom, Wolfram Fellowes.

She has many professional connections and feels very secure in social situations, yet her personal circle is considerably small. She is known to be mysterious and mostly involved in her work, and because of the stereotypical portrayal of her magical abilities in popular media, she is sometimes looked upon with fear or distrust. Those who are close to her will discover, however, that she can break character and become overly enthusiastic or eccentric at times. She is passionate about her 'gothic' fashion sense, despite bizarrely also loving cute creatures or objects.


To be written


  • Heks's name is a play on the word "hex". Coincidentally, her name also literally means "witch" in several Germanic languages.
  • As a Kingsbrooke native, Heks speaks with a British accent (specifically an RP or non-regional accent).

  • The skull that floats around her is her "familiar", which can be removed at her will.
  • She wears heavy black mascara around her eyes.
  • She wears a nose ring with a star charm attached to it.
Art by Aiixen - Code by trunswicked


Victoria was born in the Canine capital city of Kingsbrooke as the youngest member of the Heks lineage, a family of which has a long history and widespread renown. Her relatives have all been involved in the field of forensic science; her older sister, Eliza, is a college professor, while her mother formerly worked as a forensic anthropologist. Her secondhand experience in her mother's profession would later lead to the "awakening" of her primary magic ability: necromancy.

As a teenager, she met and became acquainted with the youngest son of the Greenwood family, Shepherd Greenwood. At the time, the Heks and Greenwood families were longtime business partners and had an upstanding relationship. Victoria became aware that she and Shepherd had very different values and goals regarding their legacies, but felt content speaking with him. When Shepherd was later revealed to have garnered controversy that resulted in his "exile" from the Greenwood family, it greatly shocked her. Unbeknownst to her at the time, Shepherd would later become her greatest enemy.

It is through one of Shepherd's professional ventures - namely, a theatre of which ownership had been passed down to him - that Victoria learns of his nefarious and unethical nature. She learns that Shepherd is an illusionist mage who had been trying to recruit other (mostly younger) mages into his "society" of violently egalitarian and pro-technology extremists. One such "recruit" that he intended to target was the 18-year-old Aaron Ridley, an usher at the theatre. Heks speaks to Aaron and becomes aware of his budding magical prowess. She recommends that he attend one of the top colleges in Kingsbrooke, intending in part to draw him away from Shepherd, but Aaron refuses in favor of his dream of becoming an actor-manager.

Around this time, Heks was in her late 20s and had become an agent of The Mage Division. She traveled across Animalia to the Division's various stations strung out across the continent. While visiting Heritage, the capital of The Ungulate Kingdom, she meets a museum curator named Orion Ambrosia. Orion would soon become her dearest friend and colleague. With him, Heks realized her wish to build an academy dedicated to the study of magic, and several years later, the two mages would go on to become the founders of Spellcraft Academy. Heks also dated Orion for almost a decade, before they mutually decided to end their relationship.

Victoria becomes tightly involved in the incident of Greenwood Theatre. Likely aware of Victoria's suspicion of him, Shepherd and his colleagues decided to burn down the theatre and disappear from public view. This would result in the death of a stage manager, making Shepherd a wanted criminal. Heks jumps in to assist Aaron and his family over press matters, while also assisting in the investigation of Shepherd's crime. Aaron later requests to attend and work alongside her at Spellcraft Academy, which Heks agrees to. She becomes Aaron's mentor, and the young mage becomes dear to her.

While overseeing Spellcraft Academy and its first active class, Heks learns that the investigation into Shepherd's whereabouts had hit a wall and was put on hold. Despite having the distinct feeling that she will see the Greenwood criminal again, she nonetheless continues with her work.

No less than five years after the end of her relationship with Orion, Victoria begins seeing her longtime friend and colleague Ziska Förstner. They would eventually marry and become the joint leaders of The Mage Division; this would also be the first time in history that Division leadership was split between two individuals.

More to be written soon!



Ziska is Heks' wife, who she had known for many years previously before dating her. They adore each other, and have also been shown to be a ferocious combat matchup.


Aaron was mentored by Heks, and views her as something of an older sister. They work together to stop the rampage of their shared acquaintance, Shepherd Greenwood.


Orion is one of Heks' closest friends. Together, they founded Spellcraft Academy, and continue to oversee the establishment into the present day. They were formerly in a relationship before amiably parting ways.


Heks despises Shepherd for the crimes he has committed, and she plays a major role in his downfall and eventual death. He is, for all intents and purposes, her greatest enemy.

Code by trunswicked