


4 years, 1 month ago


"Laughter Is Not Always The Best Medicine"

- The jar is colourful but bloodied. A big red bow tied the lid onto the jar

- The top of the lid has flowers and an eyeball jutting out like some kind of flower arrangement

- The book's colours have dulled and aren't as bright as it used to be

- Blood is soaked into the cover as though the previous reader had just done something horrible before closing the book

This is a tale spread around the hospital as a horror story for room 10-12. It is seen as a joke and used to scare patients or new nurses for fun.

Laughter is seen as the cure to all ails. And that was what the little clown thought too. He would come to the hospital every day in the morning until the sun sets, going around to make people happy. He had flowers in his hair, balloons in his socks and a twinkle in his eyes. He wanted to make people feel a tad better even if they were in pain. Everyone loved him and his silly jokes, everyone but one patient that stayed in room 10-12. The patient was young girl with an incurable disease. She felt pain every day and then the news came. She had a week left to live.

The clown did everything he could to make her smile. Balloon animals, funny gags, face paint but nothing turned her frown upside down. One day, the clown brought a helium tank into her room. Multiple floating balloons tied to the tank, he pushed it towards the window and began his gig. Making funny high pitch voices and joking with the girl. Finally, she snapped. Yells and cries burst from her. She shrieked at the clown berating him for his hobby and sick jokes.

“You don’t know how it feels to be knocking on death’s door!” She yelled before pushing the clown away. The clown’s back got pushed against the helium tank and balloons but he tripped over his feet and felt himself toppling over the edge of the window. Down he fell, 10 stories down. His body making a loud bang upon impact. However, he wasn’t dead but rather was on deaths doorsteps. One arm snapped off while the balloons tangled around him, all he could do was feel the pain and agony while looking up at the horrified girl. One thing came to his mind. Laughter. Is. The. Best. Medicine.

He cracked up laughing through the pain and tears until his last breath exited his lungs. The legend goes that if you were to stay in room 10-12 and hear someone laughing. You have to laugh back or else he will enter and make you laugh one way or another.