Terrin's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


This character is unverified. Please take care when trading. See the FAQ for more information.

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Bought $20.

- NO claiming you made the design OR the art as your own. Please give me full credit somewhere if you repost the adopt. - Reselling can be done, though never for more then the original price you purchased unless it is added with extra art with the adoptable - Please give me full credit for the design and art if you repost the adopt somewhere / anywhere it can be seen. Thank you. - Do NOT claim my art, idea and if a species as your own. You have the right to the character NOT my work, designs or species. - Please be sure to add a watermark anywhere you repost the design or where it can be seen. This is to protect you as well as the design. - You may only do simple edits to the design such as color swaps, small pattern and feature changes. If you feel the edits you want to make are major/ really change the design then please show me so I can approve it. - You are free to change what ever clothes, hairstyle etc. you would like! You don't have to show me these edits.