Calliope Dusk Barathier



4 years, 4 months ago


Calliope, or Cali Dusk is a gameskeeper in the Deep Realms. She makes up games to keep her peers interested and loves to make things up on the spot. She acts as a referee, and makes optical illusions to make the game more fun.
Full Name: Calliope Barathier
Nicknames: Cali Dusk
Age: 15
Birthday: June 20th

Pronouns/Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Peistrian, neither Dralburn/Amirove aligned
Ethnicity: Talecian/Deep Realms Born

Magic Type: Utolian Sorcerer, despite this uses an Arcane staff.
Casting Place: Fingers and eyes
Magic Explanation: Cali has a buildup of magic in her eyes, making her main casting area from there. This appears as a kaleidoscope-sun like pattern in her eyes, and when she's not blindfolded- her eyes can get as bright as a lighthouse light. She has no control over the magic buildup in her eyes, and can see fine. Despite this, she chooses to stay blindfolded because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. She has a few reflective parts on her face, from attempts to subdue her magic.
She can also cast from her fingers as well- storing her magic in the cane she brings with her everywhere. The Bottom of the cane is cracked open, and has an inner design similar to a kaleidoscope, similar to her eyes. She can store and cast magic that has been in the staff for up to 3 days.
No matter where she goes, Cali leaves a magical trail of light warping, and when she uses her magic (mainly from her staff) she can make heavy image warping/optical illusions. The only downside is that the illusions come from Cali's mind so if she loses track of her thoughts, she'll lose the illusion as well.
llusion as well.