Lorelei's Comments

came from our da if available may i?

sent xx! Sorry for the delay, I got sick yesterday :(

accepted all. thank you very much. no worries sickness and sudden random other things can happen (plus i just comented today so you was quite fast for me). i hope you are feeling much better by the way.

I am feeling much better thank you! Enjoy the babs!

that is good. oh i hope you don't mind. although the ori species related ones might have been inactive for a while  i hope you don't mind that i tried to contract them just in case as it felt like the right to do/following old rules from old journals..... haha sorry i hope that doesn't make me sound like a weird person trying to contract someone how hasn't been online for a very long time but my just in case/better safe then sorry radar is going off the records (as it does most of the time). well minus the lorelei as i don't have a gaia (used too), i have a feeling they might have moved on from the website but if they still play then good for them...with that being said i hope they aren't died... in the case if they are cause i am so sorry if i bought any sad moments, if not then phew (i hate bring up bad memories by accident).  i am not sure if you will be okay with me commenting/replying on the porcelain-demons's group journal on your behave so i figured i'll ask you first or if you want too. not to sound stalker-ish but it seems artweazel at least has been active in the last 5 days but might not reply/might decided to not log back in for a while. like i mentioned before.... so sorry once again if i'm being really werid.

tldr. haha i think you pretty much can guess how i act/my personality a bit with this reply. also sorry i tend to add alot of ...'s when talking to people online. i guess this is why one of my nickname is VN (visual novel).

Hi there! That sounds all good! Please let me know if there are any issues. Feel free to comment on my behalf on the porcelain-demon's group journal xx