Q'olh Jung'su (Boisbeni (#51))



2 years, 2 days ago

Basic Info


Looks about 26?


5'2'' (157cm)


Paja, being as warm as possible, traveling, the colour red


Being cold, water (especially the ocean), snagging his horns on clothes


Theme: 恋死に - BUTAOTOME

Horn: Multi-Horn (UC)

Legs: Paws (UC)

Tail: Bearded Tail (C)

Ears: Low Ears (C)

Eyes: Dragon Eyes (UC)

Bonus Trait: Flame Mane (UC)

Bonus elemental mastery from Multi-Horn is Fire. Dragon eyes grant ability to see auras, heat signatures, and excellent night vision.

Jung'su is friendly, agreeable, and trusting to a fault. He's often a bit dense or gullible, but he's also incredibly easy to get along with. His mastery of fire and lovely disposition makes him a great traveling companion, which managed to convince even the aggressively solitary Paja to travel with him. He's quite good at dancing as well, though he's a bit shy about it. His right eye is mostly blind, thanks to whatever caused the large scar that runs down his face. When asked about it he gives a different reason every time. He can become quite protective of people he sees as friends, going to great lengths to help them in times of trouble, even to his own detriment. However, he seems to be surprisingly unconcerned with his own safety and health, often hiding injuries and sickness to avoid worrying or bothering others.

Size comparison between Paja and Jung'su

Jung'su can read the subconscious of others in auras he sees, but doesn't consciously recognize that himself. This tends to influence how he acts around certain people. As a result, he seems as if he's a bit insightful and good at reading people's wants and needs despite otherwise being a bit dense. His purification abilities tends to manifest like burning or cauterization, and the effects are stronger the harder he leans into this. This can make his purifications a little frightening if you're not ready for it.