Queen Leotra + Wandra Goodspel



Basic Info

To Do List:

Write Proper Bios


Finally got these two done after the longest time, not even gonna bother with a proper bio for these two at the moment because god damn, I really neededto get these two out. Honestly I should've done them sooner since they're some of the earliest characters to appear in Go-Knights, but you know me: I get distracted. Plus I had a hard time figuring out Leotra's hair, so yeah. Let's be real here, I'll never have a consistent release schedule.


Anywho, here's what you need to know: This is Queen Leotra the 5th, Ruler of The Queendom of Infinia and her right hand woman, Wandra Goodspell, Minister of Magic across Infinia and Alterran renowned Witch (I should probably get that world map out soon too...).

These two are basically the Zordon and Alpha 5 of Go-Knights respectively, with Leotra being the wise and patient leader, and Wandra being a flighty, albeit well intended, helper. Or just straight up Pearl from Steven Universe. In fact, that's pretty much her to a T.

Of course they won't be so one note like Zordon and Alpha, as both will grow out from these roles. Notably Leotra will become more proactive in protecting her kingdom and the whole of Alterra by getting involved on the front-lines with the Knights themselves, while Wandra will take a HUGE heel turn and become the biggest backstabber on Alterra by resurrecting a big bad.


I'll eventually do a proper bio for the two, but right now that's all you're getting! Sorry!

I know, I know, this is really lazy of me, but sometimes you just gotta cut corners. Especially when, again, you're like me and you don't really have a consistent schedule. I promise though, the next Go-Knights character won't be such a lazy release, mostly because it's a pair of twins who are next! Look forward to that~!