Charlotte Kennedy



4 years, 4 days ago


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Charlotte Kennedy 

She/HEr • 16 years old • ESTP

"Put a quote here or something."

  • BIRTHDAY Birthdays are hardly ever brought up.
  • RACE Filipino
  • HEIGHT 5'6"
  • WEIGHT 100-120
  • THEMEAin't It Fun 


  • Rice Cake
  • Fortune cookies
  • Bird eggs (Admiring them for some reason?)
  • Video games
  • Grape fruit (when it's loaded down with sugar)


  • Being tired
  • The outdoors
  • Summer heat
  • Lag


She's only been a member of the underground for about 2 years, and she wasn't born into it like others were. Because her family was in a poor financial state, she and her elder brother decided to throw caution out the window. Only a year older than Liam and Calisto, she's basically the third addition to their trio of an unbreakable friendship bond. She is a trained hacker and can easily break into even the largest of systems.


  • C L E V E R •  S O C I A B L E • L O Y A L • H U M O U R O U S  • B O L D
  • Definitely not the kindest girl you'll meet, but she's very easy to talk too with how socially aware she is. She's a very loyal friend who would never back stab or betray someone, and would be down to commit some chaotic incidences with her buddies. She loves to joke around and makes constant puns and cheesy jokes when she isn't making dark ones.
  • She's very clever and is a team oriented person who easily brings people together. She's bold and not afraid to speak her mind about anything, sporting almost no filter for her words.  She will fight for others alongside herself.

  •  C R U D E • D I S O R D E R L Y • I M P U L S I V E • B O R E D • R O W D Y
  • Sometimes her humor is very disturbing and it concerns people, or it can be flat out rude and offensive. She's always in a state of disorder and is a very messy slob in general. who never knows where anything is. When she has an impulse, she has trouble keeping from acting on it, sometimes others even think she's childish. She's as easily captivated by something as she gets bored with it, and she often goes threw periods of wanting something really bad, then not caring for it much when something else catches her eye. She can be really rough and tumble and unintentionally hurt other people physically.

Personality Trivia

- An " I don't care attitude" sometimes

-Highly confident in herself 

- Crude sense of humor, or cheesy jokes: no in-between

- team oriented 

- Messy and hardly ever knows where anything is

-Easily bored by things 

- Supportive of people and friends

-Snarky, but not as much as Calisto


  • She has two long pigtails, one lilac purple and the other cotton candy pink, both held up by opposite colored scrunchies. She has double colored messy bangs over her forehead and that cup her face.
  •  She has light blue eyes
  • She has darker shaded skin
  • She has a purple heart shaped marking under her eye and a phrase carved into her arm (ouch) that says 'techno' 
  • Her body type is H4 "pear figure" she's skinnier on top, heavy on bottom
  • She likes it when her controllers match her outfits\\


  • HOBBY: Gaming is her biggest hobby, and it takes up a lot of her time some days.
  • HOBBY: Hacking is sometimes even a hobby of her, she'll hack video games for extra resources and takes advantage of glitches.
  • HOBBY: Sometimes her brother will forget his credit card and she'll use it for her own selfish purposes and pretend she never saw it. 
  • HOBBY: Coding


  • HABIT: She tends to spite people who disagree with liberal viewpoints by shoving progressive ideals in their face.
  • HABIT: She tends to be wasteful, which probably stems from her lack of good dealing with money.
  • HABIT: She laughs when she lies, so she is a terrible liar.
  • HABIT: She happens to be a real show off 


  • STRENGTH: Humor
  • STRENGTH: Perspective
  • STRENGTH: Teamwork
  • STRENGTH: Forgiveness


  • WEAKNESS: Intimacy
  • WEAKNESS: Irresponsible
  • WEAKNESS: Spiteful
  • WEAKNESS: Indifferent


  • SKILL: Adaptable
  • SKILL: Confident
  • SKILL: Competitive 
  • SKILL: Super resilient


She was friends with Liam first, but she's clearly closer to Calisto since they share a lot of traits. 
Her and Calisto's crude humor motivations are drastically different. Charlotte just wants to get laughs and doesn't mean to intentionally mean to hurt others, While Calisto tries to be destructive and tear down the other person to his level.
Sophia is kinda like her little sister companion
She's terrible at handling money, because of her parents and the situation she lived in. She'll blow it often on stuff she doesn't need and has no pocket money when she needs it.
She's usually reluctant to tell people that she's uninterested in relationships because she fear they won't take her seriously like her parents didn't. She genuinely doesn't feel romantic feelings or attraction to other people and sometimes it scares her even though she's aware she's aro/ace.
Whenever she celebrated her birthday in the past, her family would just go order her a birthday cake made of fortune cookies and icecream
She thinks stockings are cute and she'll buy them anytime she sees them.
Her favorite type of video games are casual or comedy type, her favorite game is Lily's Garden.
Her favorite band is Set It Off 
She has an older brother named Adonis, He's like her in terms of personality but even worse.
Though it's irresponsible, she'll often hide Sawyers "items" for him so Marisol doesn't see. He gives her money in return that she wastes. 
She owns a knife that Sawyer gave her from his own wallet money so she could use it in self defense if she ever needed to. It has a small spider imprint on it.
Her older brother owns a McLaren car with lifting doors
She almost never sits in a chair properly.



Header 01 Header 02 Header 03

Part 1



Aenean vitae fermentum leo. Curabitur commodo massa et scelerisque tincidunt. Suspendisse id mollis tortor. Ut tincidunt nibh ut ultrices porttitor. Fusce molestie lacus eu nisi facilisis ullamcorper. Duis ut interdum lacus. Quisque mattis suscipit vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam pretium finibus lacus vitae varius.

Praesent ultricies justo in velit gravida lacinia. Etiam rhoncus tincidunt dolor quis posuere. Donec faucibus augue eget aliquet tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc rutrum vestibulum faucibus. Nullam id sem in magna scelerisque ullamcorper. Suspendisse condimentum quis elit vestibulum rhoncus. In efficitur, massa eu maximus semper, dolor nibh pretium enim, ut pulvinar enim erat ac augue. Integer suscipit nunc laoreet, luctus arcu id, pulvinar nunc. Aliquam et imperdiet risus. Etiam bibendum vehicula orci. Donec vitae nisi velit.


Relationship 01 Relationship 02 Relationship 03


  • They've been best friends even before Calisto came along. Liam met Charlotte first and, though their polar opposites, they balance each other out well. 
  • Liam is the responsible and patient one while Charlotte's being reckless idiot or a hot-head
  • Charlotte helps bring out his riskier side better than Calisto can.
  • Liam usually gets irritated with Charlotte's antics and she wore him out a lot at first, but he's learned to cope with it.
  • Charlotte is the chaos enabler to Liam's cold and calculating and Calisto's lead hell raiser



  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.

Charlotte's closet!!


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