
4 years, 1 month ago


  • Cisfemale(she/her)
  • Demi
  • Daughter of Takumi, Leo, and Hinata. Biological daughter of Takumi and Leo.
  • Younger sister of Hisame, Forrest, Kiragi, and Izayoi.
  • Linden is incredibly quiet, she rarely speaks up and mostly responds with body language such as nodding or facial expressions. She is easily scared and will immediately cling to whoever is closest to her. 
  • Linden is never found alone, and she has overall good relationships with her immediate family. She’s especially close with Takumi and Forrest. She tends to talk to Takumi about her nightmares, and she sleeps in the same room as Forrest. Forrest often helps her decide what to wear and does her hair for the day. She is steadily learning how to do her own hair, but likes when Forrest does it.
  • The exception is Izayoi. When they were younger, Izayoi got him and Linden into an accident that resulted in many scars on both of them. Linden very often tends to avoid or ignore him. She doesn’t hate him, but she doesn’t feel too safe around him.
  • Her closest friends is Riven, who Linden tends to follow around a lot. Riven doesn’t mind though, as Linden also helps him out with errands. 
  • If she’s not around Riven, she’s with her cousin, Kovidar. She enjoys helping him tend to the flowers around the castle and likes to listen to him talk about the flowers.
  • Linden has autophobia(fear of being alone) and has had nightmares on many occasions. They were much worse when she was younger.
  • Linden prefers not to fight, and so she mainly used staffs for healing. Her class is troubadour.