


7 years, 4 months ago


Backstory: She left home early with the intent of learning more about the world while enjoying life as a traveling shepherdess. Her idea of a shepherd is a little atypical, though. Essentially, Sheridan gathers unique animals from the wilderness, raises and takes care of them, and eventually sells them to people in distant lands. More recently, she took on 3 tigers from birth, domesticated them for years and later sold them to a landlord.  So in this present time, she is animal-less and feeling a little lost. She spends most of her time wandering, and has seen much of the world. But she's lived almost exclusively with her animals, and tends to be uncomfortable around people. 


Personality: Sheridan has a very calm demeanor. Often smiling in contentment. She is a total daydreamer, even philosophical at times (though her philosophies rarely make actual sense) and tends to lose herself in thought, even in the middle of a conversation. Sheridan is bad with words, and has a habit of jumbling them up; sometimes she just uses her staff to communicate vague signals, which irritates Bodan to no end. She is very self assured when it comes to taking charge, feels she has the authority to lead anything or anyone (ie Bodan) around her, treating them as though they were one of her dear animals, even if it degrades them. It's not out of want for power that she acts this way, it's just the life she's accustomed to. She looks out for Bodan and tries to care for him as well as a shepherdess can. Some of the shameful things she does include trying to make him eat from her hand, commanding him to "sit", or patting his head and telling him he's a good boy. Basically anything you can imagine doing to your pet dog.