


4 years, 27 days ago



AGE ~5 Million Years
Role Captain
BIRTHDAY March 28th


An old, aging mech who is still searching for traces of his young years. He longs to race again like he was when he was first forged. He craves adrenaline and new experiences still. Overly kind, ambitious, and still soul-searching, he is the captain of The New World, a ship tasked with looking for and obtaining old tech from the war. He was assigned this job by Rodimus himself and he is honored to take it on. He takes his job seriously despite being not that serious himself.

His high energy is an annoyance to most people his age, so he tends to spend time with the younger crowd and the new generation of bots. Their parents experienced it first-hand, and this generation doesn't need to know about it. He is friendly, but occasionally he likes to be by himself. He thinks about the war, the people he lost, and the things he had seen.








Neodox's spark emerged from Rodion many millennia before the war started. He was named Neoned, and he was born to be fast, with his sleek and clean ground altmode. he was obviously destined to be a racer from the get-go. he was apart of the population that benefited from Functionism at the time and he was none the wiser. 

He started racing a week after he was forged with some of the other newly formed racers. This is where he would meet a lot of his long-time rivals and friends. Ozone of Polyhex, Rotor of Rivet's Field, and Stagger of Alyon. But best of all was his closest friend Vortex, who also came from Rodion. Neoned however, wasn't as fast as the rest of them. It started off decent, with him winning third place in his first race. This mediocrity would continue for the rest of his career. But Vortex was the fastest of them all, always scoring first place. Others would joke that he was a secret Outlier, that the government liked him the best so they gave him a better engine. 

Start of the war

As the war started to build, and Megatron started attacking others, things started getting tense at the race tracks. People stopped showing up out of fear that they would be attacked as well. Some places were shut down entirely. Bots started picking sides, but Vortex and Neoned had stayed neutral, hoping that the conflict would die down eventually. They even talked about leaving Cybertron, but they knew they never would.

Tragedy would strike sooner rather than later though. During the Iaconian SIlver Speedway, the Decepticons laid siege to the city. They attacked the stadium, explosions easily making the structure begin to collapse. But Vortex and Neoned were too busy helping others. Racers weren't built for fights, only running. But Neoned helped people evacuate, and when he went to find Vortex, the mech was trying to get Ozone out of the stadium. Ozone had his legs pinned under a piece of rubble. Vortex lifted him up and passed him to Neoned. Vortex insisted that he leave, but Neoned wanted him to escape with them. Vortex pushed Neoned back, leaving a crack in his glass panel. There wasn't time for that, however, and Neoned quickly ran out of the stadium. He dropped Ozone off and went back in. 

Vortex would never be found. And Neoned refused to move from the stadium. He wouldn't let the medics touch him, he wouldn't leave Vortex behind, alive or dead. But even after the place was cleaned up, no trace of Vortex was found. And Neoned was left with nothing. He was left with nothing to hold, nothing to mourn, no Energon, or a scrap of metal, only a crack in his windshield to prove that he was real. So he turned angry. He turned to the Autobots and joined them, determined to find the one who killed him. Whether it be Megatron himself or a mindless Decepticon soldier. He changed his name to be Neodox, a new life for himself and painted himself in the same green color Vortex used. He was full of anger, full of hatred, but hatred can't fuel you for forever.

present day

Many millions of years later, Neodox isn't as angry. He spent his time in the war being a soldier with no fame or name. He was annoying, always sent out with the MTOs, thinking he'll finally kick the dust. But he always came back after each and every squad was killed. Neodox survived and he never saw Vortex ever again. No one knew what he was talking about, no one had anything to say, so he started living again. He started laughing, he started racing again, and he started hoping again.

He went back to racing as a coach. But something in him wasn't fulfilled like he was when he was traveling. He was happy to see Cybertron again, but he longed for something exciting again. So when Rodimus returned from his journey on the Lost Light and set up a program to retrieve lost technology from the war, Neodox was first in line. He was assigned as Captain of a ship and was in charge of choosing who to let on and who to deny. So now Neo leads a ship towards the Yuax-Pheo solar system, looking for remnants of the war.

You and I are destined for greatness! I just know it! 

Design Notes

  • He has three green stripes on his car doors.
  • He has extra thick armor around his hands for close combat fighting.
  • He has a large crack in his windshield that puts his spark on display.


New Light 

Neodox's trusty sword that he received from Brainstorm! He spent a lot of time looking for weapons on Cybertron, though everyone seemed to have ditched the field since the war ended. But Neodox wanted something from home. And Brainstorm was glad to give him an old double-sided sword he made. He wields it pretty well, and carries it on his back.

Ability Name 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus placerat posuere. Quisque venenatis nulla suscipit neque ultrices elementum. Etiam non sem sapien.

Ability Name 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus placerat posuere. Quisque venenatis nulla suscipit neque ultrices elementum. Etiam non sem sapien.

Ability Name 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus placerat posuere. Quisque venenatis nulla suscipit neque ultrices elementum. Etiam non sem sapien.


[ relationship ]


Character Name

Donec varius tempus congue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean turpis risus, porta id lacus a, ultrices mattis augue.

[ relationship ]


Character Name

Donec varius tempus congue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean turpis risus, porta id lacus a, ultrices mattis augue.

[ relationship ]


Character Name

Donec varius tempus congue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean turpis risus, porta id lacus a, ultrices mattis augue.

code by 00Ishikawa00