


4 years, 1 month ago


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Name: Dakishimeru

Gender: Unknown

Species: Cuddle monster

Report One:

A literal Cuddle Monster Dakishimeru is a Japanese Yo-Kai that possesses children's toys, specifically stuffed animals. A relatively harmless monster, it has not been observed as dangerous or hostile to other life forms. Thus it has been designated Safe. 

Behaviorial wise, Dakishimeru seems to be placid and remains completely oblivious to any hostile intent directed at it, when one researcher was ordered to yell and swear at it aggressively. Dakishimeru responded by hugging said researcher. 

The researcher reported feeling extreme happiness and even the urge to laugh, and a lingering smell of cherries. When reporting for a mandatory check up after the event, the doctor reported that researcher, Doctor [redacted], had significantly lower blood pressure and over all attitude had significantly improved. Optional "Cuddle Time" involving Dakishimeru for staff is now approved. Introducing Dakishimeru to Enzo is now pending. 

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RePorT tWo:


*recording ends*

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Report Three:

[Authorization required to view] 

[Authorization Granted] 

Audio Diary of Doctor ** Log One:

"It's been a week since the being known as Dakishimeru has escaped its cell. We... We don't even know how it happened. Someone must have opened its cell and it... It ate them. Just... It ate them. I can hear it sometimes. In the back of my mind. It's like an itch in my skull. And the singing... God the singing. I wish it would shut up. Even for a second. Just shut up... Shut up... Shut UP! SHUT UP!!!"

"..... I'm sorry. I haven't been able to control my temper ever since I came into contact with that... that thing. How do I even describe it? It looked so harmless. Just– just a giant plushie you know? We were so stupid. You think with all the shit we have locked away in here we would have been a little more cautious. But it just looked so... cute. Like one of those mascot costumes people wear. You know? Cuddly. Hah... I wish I never touched the damn thing. ...... We all do. No! No, no, no, no! It's coming closer! I can hear it now! The damn singing! If anybody finds this... Get out while you can."

Audio Diary of Doctor ** Log Two:

"They're dead. They're all dead. God I– I thought... I mean, surely I'm not the last... I'm sorry. I'm starting to lose my sanity. I don't even know how long I've been here. I– ...... My name is Doctor ******. I have been researching these creatures for fifteen years. We've never had anything like this though. This isn't our criteria. Where to begin?"

"Dakishimeru at first appeared to be harmless, made out of two seperate unknown materials similar to pleather and soft minky material. It had the appearance of a large stuffed toy, similar to the top tier prizes at carnivals. Namely, Dakishimeru takes the appearance of some mix between a canine animals and a bear. At first Dakishimeru didn't display any hostile traits. On the contrary, it was so friendly! Staff around Dakishimeru were just... happier. Better treatment of their colleagues. Better workmanship. Better everything. We... I... I even cleared access for all staff to spend time with Dakishimeru by popular demand. Why couldn't I see it was controlling me?"

"I didn't notice at first. None of us did. But those who had been cuddled by Dakishimeru gradually began to spend more and more time with it. And then it got... weird... I... I don't want to go into detail. Staff who were caught... like that were immediately fired and given amneastixs. But soon it was just happening so often that we reopened Dakishimeru's case study. I... I was tempted to. But then the disappearances started."

[Audio from this point is unintelligible. The audio team is currently trying to unscramble it. Staff will be updated when the audio has been salvaged. Dakishimeru is still unrecovered. All teams are advised to be on guard and not touch the creature under any circumstances. ] 

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