Adele Huntington



4 years, 1 month ago


Name Adele Huntington
Species Vampire
Ethnicity White
Court The Blackbloods
Age 146 [appears early 50s]
Height 5'6
Gender Cis Woman
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Bisexual
Relationship Single
Occupation Runs The Carnival
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  • Getting what she wants
  • Acting Motherly
  • Tricking Humans
  • Nicolai


  • Nephilim
  • Not being in charge
  • Being questioned
  • Being used


Milfy Vampire lady. She acts very motherly to anyone younger than her, but it definitely is an act. Most of the time when she uses that she's trying to cover something that she's doing up, or trying to distract them with her body. She's actually a hateful and spiteful lady, who's not afraid to kill or get her hands dirty. She will choke and drink all the blood from your veins as a smile is plastered on her face. She makes a lot workers at the carnival become vampires just to expand her influence, and have more power over the people that work for her.


Adele used to be a beautiful theater performer. She was reveried for her voice and her ability to act. Her boyfriend was a demon that enjoyed disguising himself as a human. They both just clicked, both of them feeding off the terribleness of the other. When Adele told her demon boyfriend that she was pregnant, he freaked out and abandoned both her and their unborn child. Adele was shocked, and angry. She wanted to make him pay, but she knew he would live forever, and she would be stuck to die of old age, if not something else first. She picked up some info of other species from him; vampires, and werewolves and the like. The way for someone to turn into a vampire they had to drink the blood of a vampire, demon, or a cambion; the child of a human and a demon. And when her cambion child was born, that's exactly what she did.

The following years as a vampire was a learning experience, and she wasn't very good at hiding it. Soon enough, she was caught by a sleezy carnival ringleader and turned her into a freakshow side attraction. She lived her life in a cage, surrounded by other anomolies, and being fed dead animals. She thought she would live like that forever, until the turn of the 21st century with Lucifer making the general public know that the supernatural was real. This gave Adele enough courage to break her prison and savagely kill the carnival owner. She freed the others in the cages, and took over owner of the Carnival. And soon it turned into a festering vampire nest, enough to get the attention of one of the higher Vampire courts; the Blackbloods. Essentially, they give the carnival funding and help Adele with projects that she desires.