


7 years, 4 months ago


Profile Progress

Heads up! This profile is not finished there might be more things added later so it would be nice if you could check it again at some point.


"I aspire to have wit be as sharp as my knife."

Name || Edith Loretta DeLaFontine Stoneshire
Alias || Edie, Letty, The Child Queen,  Butterfly, Theia
Age || 18
Birthday || March 16th
Birthplace || Crystal Valley
Gender || Female
Orientation || Bi-Curious
Height || 5'2
Weight || 106lbs
Species || Human (Elf)
Occupation || Queen of Stoneshire
Status || Alive
Theme || Song
Likes || Knives, hiking, secret locations, puzzles, flowers, dance
Dislikes || Being called princess/cute nicknames, Cats
Fears || Baking, Losing people



A young woman with a small frame and wavy black hair, green eyes and lightly freckled skin, she has a birth mark vaguely in the shape of a flower under right breast.


Edith is a playful, cheerful and maybe even a bit childish individual, but she is a queen; As monarch she plays the role of a calm, collected, mature, elegant and regal ruler. She is however a rather friendly person, no matter her role, she does have a bit of a temper though and it is usually best not to push her buttons too much. She despises most cutesy nicknames, they make her feel as if she's being treated like a child and as someone who has been ruling a kingdom since the death of her father at the age of thirteen, she feels it's in the best interest of herself and her kingdom as to not be seen as such. A land is only as strong as it's ruler and a child is hardly strong enough to rule. She's twice as stubborn as she is friendly. Edie won't easily let anyone get away with making her feel threatened or weak.


Trigger warning

Her mother died when she was 10, and her father died when she was 13, she became Queen upon her father's death, seeing as she is the only living Heir aside from her older brother who has been missing for 4 years. In reality her brother didn't want the responsibility of being a King if his father were to die, so he ran away. While she's called an Empress the only reason for that is because the locals to the kingdom never differed from the title of Emperor and Empress from when the kingdom was long ago known as an Empire. As much as Edith loves her people and loves ruling over them, she hadn't expected to take over as the acting ruler so soon, if at all. Being crowned at such a young age did leave her slightly resentful of her older brother for leaving her to take on a responsibility she shouldn't have necessarily had to. She found herself often fantasying the prospect of running away and living life as a normal girl for once, but of course her Loyalty to her people outweighed her own selfish desires... at least to a point, within a year of her ruling she'd found the best ways to avoid her guards and escape undetected from her room at night so she could wonder the streets of the country's capital, Emerald city, un-escorted and unnoticed. Going out, Edith hangs out with a small group of guys she met on her first night out, many of them call her Butterfly because of her small fragile appearance, and because it gets on her nerves. when they aren't trying to piss her off, they call her Letty


Ingrid DeLaFontine - Mother(deceased), Gerard Pierre DeLaFontine Stoneshire - Father(deceased), Percival Orson DeLaFontine Stoneshire - Brother

Important Moments

  • Her mother died when she was 8
  • Her brother left when she was 12
  • Her father died when she was 13


  • She hates being called princess
  • She has an old horse named Daisy
  • She Has a collection of swords and knives and knows how to use them
  • She was given the first knife in her collection when she was 6, a piece to hang on her wall
  • Stoneshire started as a small costal town founded by pirates. 

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