
4 years, 1 month ago



Name: Oberon

Nicknames: Obe/Obi

Age: ????

Gender: Male

Species: Starrobber

Occupation: Gigantic swamp squatter

Orientation: Pansexual

Relationship Status:  Single


Height: 7' even

Body Build: How do you even describe this build?? Like a walking hellscape

Hair color/style: Long, dark blue dreads that fade into a teal green color

Eye color: Purple

Defining features: Everything on him is pretty unusual

Likes: The sound of frogs and bugs singing, warm lakes, the smell of moss and mushrooms, being read to or hearing stories, learning new and interesting things

Dislikes: Mud being EVERYWHERE!!, the voices in his dreams, the fact other blighted robbers don't like him, getting jis many limbs caught on vines

Personality: Oberon can be quiet at first but once he starts opening up he can be very talkative. He is friendly and has an inquisitive mind, always wanting to learn about the people and things around him. He can be very laid back and lazy at times; he loves naps or jus lounging around.

Relationships: Fiora-- The one who found him when he first rose and his dearest friend. She taught him just about everything he knows now. Grimm-- Big and scary, he avoids him. Osiris-- He keeps trying to be friends with Osi but he keeps hissing and running away.

History: Oberon can't remember anything about his past life. Sometimes he has strange dreams or feelings but they're fleeting and he can't seem to hold onto them. His new life started with him clawing his way out of the muck and honestly, it's not the best memory he has. But for now he is content living with Fiora in the swamp, helping her however he can.