
4 years, 4 months ago




Name Nova
Age 125
Height 3'
Pronouns He/Him
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Level 5
Race Tabaxi
Class Chronomancer
Background Lost In Time

Proficiency Bonus +3
Max HP 33
Armor Class 13
Speed 30 ft
Initiative +2
Strength: 9 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Time Waits For No One.
"Where did I get this gun from?"


Atk Bonus

Laser Pistol
3d6 radiant


Languages: Common, Abyssal, Elvish

Weapons: Dagger, Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Pistol, Laser Pistol

Armor: light, shields

Tools & kits: Tinker's Tools

Features & Traits

Sub Class Aged Old Guncraft
Starting when you choose this journey at 3rd level, you are proficient in firearms. You can also teach towns blacksmiths to create firearms and ammunition.
Class Ageless Linguistics
At 1st level, you can learn some of the oldest languages in the realm. You gain proficiency in 2 exotic languages. At 6th level you gain proficiency in 2 more exotic languages. And then at 10th level you gain proficiency in another 2 more exotic languages.
Race Cat's Claws
Because of your claws, you have a climbing speed of 20 feet. In addition, your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Race Cat's Talent
You have proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills.
Race Feline Agility
Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst of speed. When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of your turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
Sub Class Lifelong Journey
When you reach 3rd level, you become attuned with a certain timeline of events. These timelines are: 3351 B.C., 253 A.D., 1877 A.D., all of which are detailed at the end of the class description, before the chronomancer spell lists. Your Lifelong Journey grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th l and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
Class Timeless Body
At 2nd level, your intense studies with time and your ability to control and alter it makes you keep your youthful looks. You still can die of old age, however. At 9th level, your body is immune to the frailty of old age, and cannot be aged magically. At 18th level, you no longer need food or food or water.
Class Wheel of Time

At 2nd level your studies allow you to spin the wheel of time to alter the fate of yourself, an ally or an enemy. Your access to this bend in time is represented by fate dice. You have fate dice equal to your proficiency bonus + half of your chronomancer level (rounding down). For example, at 2nd level chronomancer has 3 fate dice, whereas at 9th level chronomancer has 8 fate dice.

You can expend fate dice for a variety of uses. You know how to bend time to do the following:

Accelerate, Decelerate and Surge.

When you expend fate dice, it is unavailable until you finish a long rest at which point you regain all expended fate dice by rewinding the wheel of time.

Some of your Wheel of Time features may require your target to make a saving throw to resist the features effects. The saving throw is your spell save DC which you can calculate in the Spellcasting Ability section previously.


As a bonus action you can expend a fate dice to hasten a targets actions on the targets next turn. The target gains an additional action. You cannot use any of these extra actions for Accelerate or Surge. You can use this once per long rest. At 4th level you can use this twice per long rest, at 12th level you can use this 3 times per long rest, at 16th level you can use this 4 times per long rest, and at 19th you can use this 5 times per long rest.


As a reaction to being damaged by an enemy you can delay the wounds inflicted by expending a fate dice. fate dice. You roll 1d4 and do not take the damage that would have been inflicted for that amount of rounds. The creature damaging you can make a Wisdom saving throw to ignore the effect and break the bend in time. For example, you roll a 3 and do not take the damage until 3 rounds has passed. This includes the round where the round where you used Decelerate.


As an action you can expend a fate dice to take an additional action in the next round. You cannot use this additional action to cast any spell of 4th-level or higher. The action gained by surge cannot be used for Surge again.

Class Pocket of Eternity
At 5th level, in your resourcefulness you have created an eternal pocket of time that you can rely upon when in need. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d8 + chronomancer level + proficiency bonus.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.



Bolt of Time (Epoch Bolt)

Mage Hand

Minor Illusion

Level 1 Spells

Comprehend Languages

Revert Time

Level 2 Spells

Reflexive Shot

Sphere of Time

Level 3 Spells


Time Bomb

Level 4 Spells

Level 5 Spells

Level 6 Spells

Level 7 Spells

Level 8 Spells

Level 9 Spells

Positive Traits

  • Studying time magic is my life
  • I have no patience for those who cheat their way to fame
  • Magic use is a rare privilege I will do almost anything to protect my ability to study it.

Negative Traits

  • Studying Magic > Anything else
  • Easily annoyed by ignorant or stupid people

Without his knowledge and the help of his parents he wouldn't be able to work with magic today. Very much thankful to his parents and those who helped him get where he was. Very cautious on making friends due to the fact that he's been used before. When he is friends with someone he will do all he can to protect them.


  • Fish
  • Time Magic
  • Naps


  • Ignorant People
  • Cheaters
  • People who abuse their power

The story so far

Chronomancer class from here -> (

Born in the year 4752 A.D. Nova was born to the middle-class sector 15, his mom was a technician for a hologram manufacturer and his father worked for the high roller tables at the Lucky Dove Casino. As Nova grew up his passion for knowledge and magic made him an inventor at a young age. When he was 10 he was already building prototypes for time spheres which could freeze time around the blast radius. Since the law prohibited unapproved magic use his parents would smuggle him in some parts, his father having connections from the casino with rich customers. They wanted nothing more than their son to be able to achieve any dreams he had.

When Nova reached the age of 16 and graduated from school ahead of his class his family was visited by Amelia Stone. She had always kept a close eye on Nova and his family since his parents reached out about getting tools for Nova. His parents were protective and nervous of the meeting, but all Nova could think was the possibility of working out of the shadows. Before Ms. Stone could even offer an ultimatum, Nova said, “I’ll provide you with all my research as long as you let me into your best facility with the best tools.” She was a bit taken back but nodded, she was instructed to recruit Nova by Avox, CEO of Omnicorp but she would allow Nova to think it was his idea.

When Ms. Stone and her underlings left Nova’s parents talked about trying to disappear and get away claiming it was too dangerous to work for the council let alone the CEO. Nova saw no reason not to as long as he got to work with magic, especially time magic, he didn’t care who he worked for. Reluctantly, when the day came for Nova to move to Sector 5 where all the renowned scientists and mages lived his parents cried for him. He assured them he would keep in touch, they had holo communicators he pointed out.

Moving into his new home, Nova immediately set up shop requesting equipment to his home. With the approval of Ms. Stone and the other council members Nova was allowed to work remotely from the labs as long as he agreed to have a security bot in his work space. Every week he had to go to the main labs to show his progress on what he was assigned. The first meeting was where he met his soon-to-be life long rival, Flynn Fowler. When they first met Nova was 16 and Flynn was 20. With the first progress report Nova showed off his finely tuned Time Sphere the main invention that landed his position. The other scientists were in awe at the neatly integration of science and time magic. Flynn through jealousy mocked Nova openly saying that a child could make it. For being criticized for the first time in his life Nova was angry and challenged the man that next week whoever impressed the council with their invention would win.

Nova set to work with a competition in place he was fueled with determination to win. He had to set reminders to the helper bots to remind him about meals and sleep or else he would work tirelessly non-stop. With the week complete Nova and Flynn met at the labs for the reveal. Nova had constructed an upgraded version of the Time Sphere into a bomb. Shroud Saber was the most impressed with this the mercenary turned council member requested that they start production on them for defense purposes. Before Flynn could even present Nova won by a landslide.

Throughout the course of the years Nova and Flynn squared off in battles of inventions and trying to sabotage one another. It got to the point where Flynn had tried to now steal Nova’s ideas. Nova having added a few modifications to the security bot was able to see when Flynn broke into his work room and brought it to the council. When the day came for them to show off progress Flynn unveiled the stolen product and Nova, instead of showing off a product revealed the security bot. The council member and scientists were confused until the bot showed a holo video of Flynn stealing Nova’s documents. The room was dead quiet as the scientists looked uneasily from Flynn to the council member. In a flash Flynn was backed to a wall. “If you ever steal from another scientist again you will be stripped of all of your magic.” The room gasped including Nova, the implication that magic could be stripped from someone frightened him but also intrigued him. If it could be removed could it be added?

As Nova continued to work through the years his development with time magic had an interesting effect on him. He was able to live longer and keep his youthful appearance, another reason for Flynn to hate him. As Flynn grew into the older man he is today Nova continued to stay the same. It wasn’t long before Nova was named the top scientist of the sector and was renowned through the highest channels.

Currently Nova has found himself in an unfamiliar place with most of his memories missing except for the muscle memory of his spells and a strange weapon by his side.

Friends, enemies, and everything in-between

Works the high roller tables at Lucky Dove Casino. (


Flynn Fowler
Rival Scientist
Other top scientist that Nova has known for many years. Flynn will stop at nothing to make it to top scientist. Even stealing Nova's work.(