
4 years, 19 days ago



Ace is mostly human, but has certain aspects of a secretary bird (He’s a hybrid of the two, in other words-), such as the long feathers that are able to sprout from the back of his head. They only usually do this when he’s feeling strong emotions (VERY happy, upset/sad, angry, alert, etc.), but he doesn’t tend to show which those are, and instead keeps a calm external appearance. Which,, can be a BIT frightening if you see both layers of feathers but a blank stare- hah-

He tends to wear a grin and/or a stare that shouts ‘back off’ or ‘i’ll give you one more chance, then it’s over.’ Or more often than needed a simple “This is gonna be fun.”. Personality wise he’s not exactly.. nice? He has his tolerable ‘likings’ towards a very VERY small bunch of people (mainly his younger sister, fine-) sure, but even then he might seem a bit snappy or agitated. When he gets mildly upset/mad about something i’d advise you to back off, but if he gets PISSED about something then Jesus take the wheel, have fun in the afterlife- He’s an extremely powerful person, not talking about ‘powers’ or ‘abilities’ just.. in general. He’s got his eyes set on order or control, and does everything he does for a reason. You’d never want to speak poorly to him, or EVER get on his bad side, though most of the time the scariest moments are where you piss him off and he gives a blank eyed smile and walks away in silence. You’re dead- in other words- you got lucky- that’s what that means- Given the fact that he has this much power/order/control over people, he’s been given the nickname ‘king’. To also go with the crown that floats over his head, and the ACTUAL crown that he only wears when the time’s right, or when he just chooses to have it on when his power/god complex kicks in.

Some of his interests, or things that he enjoys to calm down, or just do as a past time include bird watching/he likes birds?? Fashion/putting together/planning miscellaneous outfits, a r s o n, scrapbooking, and knives. Just- knives. Sharp objects- U h,, yeah-
