Y'samfa Juarez



4 years, 1 month ago


The New Sun

to see more than anyone ever realized

Name Y'samfa Juarez
Called Sam
Gender non-binary, he/him
Age mid-20s
Height 5'9"
Build skinny-fat
Race miqo'te
Role bard, astrologian, card reader
Theme Playlist


  • a good story
  • knowledge for the sake of knowing
  • glittering gold


  • being seen to the core
  • the immense pressure of making the right call
  • being kept out of a secret


warning! some spoilers for ffxiv: shadowbringers very briefly referenced ahead

Y'samfa—pronounced Wuh-Sam-Fah and known more commonly as Sam—is a miqo'te bard who, when the mood strikes him, moonlights as an astrologian. His ears are large, his tail is fluffy, and he's got more freckles than you can count with a set of scars to match. There's usually a deck of cards in his hands, or a pipe, or a harp on his hip, or nothing at all. It's very rare you'll see his bow on his back unless he's expecting to need it.

Sam has a prosthetic left leg and a fake right eye, and he is missing his left pinky and ring finger. He is hard of hearing in his right ear. His frequent consumption of a certain plant—through prepared edibles or smoked with his pipe—helps him manage depression and epilepsy, and also makes for a fun time.

Being born on the Source, Sam is the main piece of the soul that was once Sanyaina. He prefers to put on a jovial face for the public; you learn more when you're the harmless cat in the corner who'd sooner crack a joke than cause a problem, after all.

And yet, if Sam ever has plans to make good on any of the information he gathers, he's not showing those cards any time soon. But if you'd like to see your cards, take a seat and get your coin—he's always willing to read a fortune.




Original soul

They who came before.


Samja Conejo

Another piece

He who would be his own.