
4 years, 24 days ago


dream journal

[ potentially triggering content ahead ]

Mazool, original name unknown, is a parahuman / expression of the Dread Castle “The Great Hungry” residing on Sīdereus Earth. Once a normal human, Mazool was killed trying to save their family from a serial killer playing house. In order to make a distraction so that a family member could call for help, Mazool attempted to give the killer what they seemingly wanted- a friend. It backfired, the killer calling for a “family meeting”, in which attempts to soothe the killer only ended up agitating him to the point of shooting Mazool’s grandmother. Chaos broke loose, Mazool attacking the killer, which got them shot point blank in the chest.

Only hours later, Mazool revived. Infected by a demon of famine, courtesy of their new Patron, Mazool shot the baffled killer with his own gun. And then consumed him. It turns out being revived by a famine demon doesn’t only make you hungry for human flesh, it gives you a mouth full of retractable black tentacles. Naturally, Mazool’s family distanced theirselves from them, and corrupt cops skewed the evidence to pin the blame on Mazool. It was only months later, when their lawyer inadvertently confessed to seeing no hope for their case and giving up, that Mazool snapped, broke out of jail, and fled. They now fully serve The Great Hungry, fulfilling their end of the bargain.