⛧ Pounce (Reference +Notes)





Lahar Sykor, aka Pounce

(If you're drawing Pounce you have full artistic liberty to change their design/colors however you want!)

✪ Basics

Species: Red Wolf (with some coyote DNA) / Werewolf / Hellhound

Gender: Nonbinary (they/them preferred, but any pronouns are fine). Very androgynous-looking.

Orientation: Likes feminine girls, might make an exception for very feminine guys.

Primary Moods: Confident, Passionate, Manic, Curious, Angsty, Quiet, Serious, Focused, Suspicious

Favorite Colors: Red, Indigo, Gold, Black, White, Neon Green

✪ Appearance

Height: 5' 9" on toes, 5' 7" when standing with feet flat (always walks on toes tho).

Build: Thin & lanky with a good amount of lean muscle.

Hair: Thin, silky, & feathery. Short & messy cut. Multiple styles. Long bangs that usually sweep to the right (left is okay too tho). Color can be any shade of reddish-brown. Occasionally dyes it different colors, mostly black. Sometimes uses gel.

Eyes:  Any shade of gold. Slitted pupils with black sclera. Surrounded by dark skin.

Eyebrows: thicc

Ears: Long & pointy with tufted tips. Occasionally wears one earring (a simple stud or a very small hoop, gold/black/silver).

Teeth: Crooked, especially in the front. A snaggletooth often pokes out on either side. Teeth are very white & clean. Brushes multiple times a day. Can have gold fangs or all gold teeth (not grills they're just gold)

Tongue: Sticks it out a lot. CAN do taco tongue

Hands: Can be hands or paws. Pawpads are optional.

Feet: Large but agile feet. Always walks on tiptoes. Very quiet when walking. Barefoot whenever possible.

Claws: Extra pointy. Can be black or gold. Has a bad habit of biting them when anxious.

Scars: VERY OPTIONAL self-harm scars on forearms & upper thigh. Hands, feet, & knees have tons of tiny scars from exploring nature.

Chest: Can't tell if small boobs or chest fluff

Marking notes: - Two stripes under each eye. One stripe in each pair can be longer or they can all be the same size. Stripes bleed like makeup when wet. - Optional black crescents on hands or wrists, feet or ankles. - Black stripes can be on neck or shoulders. - Forehead stripe can only be seen when bangs are pushed back.

✪ Clothing

Style: Androgynous, leaning towards the masculine side. Commonly described as punk or emo, but with an occasional classy twist.

Colors: Primarily black or grey with a few white shirts & some colorful stuff that's probably shoved to the back of the closet. White clothes always end up with coffee stains eventually.

Tops: T-shirts & tank tops are most common. Has some long-sleeved shirts & formal-looking button-up shirts too. Often wears a jacket or flannel. Leather jacket is precious baby. Loves hoodies during winter.

Bottoms: Black jeans with holes, black or dark grey skinny jeans, black sweats. Those are pretty much the only options. Might wear shorts if the weather is really fuckin hot. Never wears skirts, please don't ever put them in a skirt, it's worse than a turtleneck.

Shoes: Favorites are black boots with straps & studs. Also wears basic crap like Vans & Converse (red and/or black). Will go without shoes whenever possible tho.

Suits: yes please

Accessories: Fingerless gloves, chains, belts, snapbacks, beanies, necklaces, chokers/collars, rings. Specific favorites -- Spiked collar. Black belt with red roses. Pair of chains hanging from jeans. "Unholy" snapback. Beanies -- pure black or red with black stripe. Gold ring with a skull (which their father had given to their mother). Silver pentagram necklace. Single earring (small, simple stud or hoop) in one ear.

Underwear: Boxers

:( NEVER wears: tight shirts, turtlenecks, crop tops, skirts, fancy dresses, bows, polka dots, anything too cutesy

Some common outfits -- feel free to mix & match, or create your own!
