


4 years, 17 days ago


Philalethes, aka Phil or Philly


balance. truth. evolution.

Wise. Honest. Free-spirited. Alert. Tranquil. Content.


Calm and composed. Carries an aura of joyful tranquility. Easygoing and always content, confident that they can handle whatever situations life throws their way. Free-spirited, uninhibited, and unashamed. Seems oddly unbothered by anything. Lively, curious, and enthusiastic like a child, but highly intelligent and wise beyond their years. Plays dumb for the purpose of understanding others better. Knows many manipulation tactics but will only use them for another's benefit, in situations where no one will be harmed. Honest and transparent with their emotions. Alert and perceptive. Difficult to deceive. Laughs a lot, very easily amused. Believes strongly in moderation and balance. Curious about anything and everything. Never states anything as a fact. Unbiased, to the point where it can annoy their friends. Constantly asking questions.


"Wield not weapons of bloodshed but weapons of love. Pierce their hardened hearts with compassion. Slash their stern faces apart with kind and empathetic words. Bash their heads in with truth and knowledge. Make their violent limbs tremble in fear because they know you wield love, the most powerful of all weapons. And when all else fails, shield yourself with faith."