Ae Declan's Comments

Heya there! I hope you don’t mind me commenting, I was just curious if you were still looking at offers on this guy? ^^

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hihi! is it okay to look at 3way trades ? I dont have any tatfire designs atm o7 

// I'd be offering one of these chimereons; / / / / 

+ someone here (multiples ok!)

+ art (colored sketchpage (waistup + 2 busts + headshot) (or a mix of other pieces!)

Yes 3ways are fine!

Of the chams I love Erebus and Scelera! I also liked these guys from the folder

And I love your art at well 💕

I can def do erebus + the 3 designs  alongside art !! (3!

edit: just realized i didnt mentiom but i can do scelera + the 3 designs as well w art if u pref!

I'd love to accept the Scelera offer!

awesome ! pls lmk ur da for the cham ml transfer <3 ! and please dm me for the art/the character you want drawn waa!  // my da is kocinen if thats needed waa

2 Replies

would you possibly take a look at trades?

I am open to them yes but I will be picky!

Feel free to look around my th! Forever mine off limits besides maybe tbn!