Veld Dreltarr



4 years, 22 days ago



Veld Hulhollyn
Veld Dreltarr
Swashbuckler Rogue
Descent Into Avernus


Veld is a native of Baldur's Gate that after completing his work with The Iron Fist under the command of Darmin Zodge, uncovered a demonic cult. This led him and his newfound companions on an adventure that led them to descend into Avernus.


1.90 meters
Skin Tone
Medium Grey
Messy on top, shaved sides
Hair Color



  • His clothing tends to be simple and practical, but very well made with small embellishments ie. pretty buttons, or a colorful sash.
  • He's left-handed.
  • He has two daggers, one regular and one that's ornate with a curved blade that he stole from a cultist.
  • Veld grew large leathery wings after warp flesh was used on him.


Veld is a prideful man and loyal to a fault. If anyone were to insult or threaten his friends or family, he would do absolutely anything to protect their honor. 

He prefers to keep himself and his environment neat and clean but isn't opposed to doing dirty jobs when need be (even though he's not a massive fan). He is an incredibly hard worker and once he commits himself to a task he will complete it to the best of his abilities. 

He is also a sentimental creature and has a tendency to collect odds and ends from his travels; like flora which he presses in his journal or trinkets obtained for birthdays from loved ones or trophies from encounters.

Veld is the bastard son of Gregor and a half-orc, as soon as his birth was discovered, he was taken by the Hullhollyns to stop his mother from having any opportunity to blackmail them. He grew up in the family's house being raised and tutored by his nanny. He was rarely ever allowed to leave the house in his youth due to his existence being unknown to the public and the other Patriars. Because of who he is if anyone caught wind that he was born to a whore out of wedlock it would severely damage the Hullhollyn family’s reputation. His nanny would often sneak him out to show him the city of Baldur's Gate, and as he got older he started to do it himself. When he was 14, his father bought him a house in the Lower City in The Steeps and hired him on one of the ships in their merchant fleet as a way of keeping him close. His father gave him a Watch Token so he can come and go from the Upper City as he pleases, he wears it around his waist. 

While proud of who he is, a small and quiet part of him despises it. He will never truly be a part of his family, despite the fact that he is their blood. He's forced to hide his identity and while he understands, it makes him a little sad sometimes. Speaking of family, the captain of the ship took Veld under his wing and looked after him, and taught him all about the mechanics of running a ship as well as how to be a good sailor. He's pretty much the father figure Veld wishes that he had. 

On a return trip picking up some rather important valuable goods from Port Nyanzaru, his ship was attacked by pirates and robbed blind, for some reason the crew wasn’t killed and made their way back to Baldur's Gate. To try and aid his family in regaining their wealth, he started working for the guild, running errands, and taking jobs so that he could send some money back to his family. 

He would kill for his family, and he has. After doing some regular work for the Guild under the command of Straightstick, and learning his trade, there was an instance where someone was threatening to reveal the Hullhollyn's secret about their lack of wealth after the accident; so Veld took it upon himself to nullify the threat. Darmin Zodge found out about this and blackmailed Veld into working for the Flaming Fist, lest the details of his murder became known and he would be locked away for life.












  • Grapes and cheeses
  • The color yellow
  • The ocean
  • Swimming
  • Alcohol


  • Enclosed spaces - he's claustrophobic.
  • Any undead - he's terrified of them after an incident with his magic beans that led to a fight inside of a black pyramid.






Passive Perception

Passive Insight

Pass. Investigation

Armour Class


  • Light Armour


  • Crossbow
  • Hand
  • Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword
  • Simple weapons


  • Navigator's Tools
  • Thieves' Tools
  • Water Vehicles


  • Common
  • Thieves’ Cant

Sneak Attack
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 5d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Fancy Footwork
During your turn, if you make a melee attack against a creature, that creature can’t make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.

Uncanny Dodge
When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.

When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a DEX saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Relentless Endurance
When you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed, you can drop to 1 HP instead once per long rest.

Savage Attack
When you score a critical hit, roll one of the dice an additional time and add it to the extra damage.

Leather Armour of Fire Resistance[ Fire Resistance ]
You have resistance to fire damage while you wear this armor.

Boots of Elvenkind [ Silent Steps ]
While you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.

Bag of Beans [ ??? ]
A bag of beans that when planted produces a mysterious effect. 1/8: The mummy's tomb.

Deadeye's Ring [ Trophy ]
A Blackened gold ring with an inset pearl, looted off of a man that tried to kill the party.

Veld's Leatherbound Journal [ Important Item ]
Veld's journal. A weathered leather notebook filled with accounts of his day and the occasional sketch or pressed flower. The symbols of Tymora and Umberlee are inscribed on the covers.

A Map of Avernus [ It Speaks! ]
A magical map of the important landmarks and their approximate locations in the first circle of hell.

Veld's Watch Token [ Important Item ]
Given to him by his father, it allows him access to the Upper City at all times.

Just before Veld left to descend into Avernus, he found out that his uncle had died for unknown reasons and that his sister, Verona, had fallen ill.

He received some boots of Elvenkind as a gift to prepare him for the journeys ahead.

After deciding to plant one of the beans he had found, a black stone pyramid erupted from the planting site. Veld was scared, yet Casimir dragged the party inside which led them to fight a Mummy, starting his fear of the undead. Afterward, though, he got some leather armor of fire resistance.

After warp flesh was used on him, Veld grew two large leathery wings, allowing him to fly.


  • He prefers to eat with his hands and does so with what one could only describe as grace.
  • He keeps a journal and writes often, usually just about his day and occasionally sketches (mostly nature, he's not particularly good, but he enjoys it). He likes to collect and press the plants he finds whenever he travels.
  • He rests his faith in Tymora (Luck) and Umberlee (Water).
  • He's a regular at the Blushing Mermaid and The Elfsong Tavern.

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