


9 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Prince Sephoris


Seph (but is called 'Princess' by Rye)


Unknown, as old as Ancient Egypt




Dreamy (


Single, may starting to develop feelings towards Yael

Usually says

"You're an idiot."

Main hobby

Relaxing on the couch while watching TV drama




  • Sephoris acts like a princess most of the time, well, because he has royal blood. 
  • He demands people to follow his orders, and tends to stay in one place (like the couch) since he asks other people to do stuff for him or bring stuff to him. 
  • Seph is normally quiet, and he almost always looks bored.
  • However once he starts demanding stuff, he becomes really annoying.
  • He rarely smiles; he only does so when he feels like he accomplished something, such as successfully cooking eggs.
  • Very high maintenance; Memori makes sure that his highness is feeling as comfy as possible. 
  • Allan tries not to spoil him too much, and makes him do some chores to humble him down. 
  • Rye and Seph keep on annoying each other; they are basically like siblings. 
  • LIKES - Being treated like a god, foot spas, relaxing, cookies, reading books of different language, watching TV drama series
  • DISLIKES - Rye, doing chores, getting up early in the morning, Ishi (his coworker who is Ishmael in disguise), cold baths, being humiliated in public


  • He is the only child of the King of the Land and The Source (who was the Queen). 
  • He was trained to fight by Ishmael up until he was around 6; he was trained by his father and Lyrion after Ishmael left. 
  • The King protected him from the flood by placing him in a huge capsule-looking machine which was radiating w/ magical energy, preserving his form for hundreds and thousands of years. 
  • Eriah's father, a collector, found him and placed him in a secret basement of his museum. 
  • One night, he was awakened from his deep slumber because he thought he heard his mother call out to him. The moment he awoke was the same night Allan had the most intense dream and realization that he is the new Source, a reincarnation of the old Queen. 


  • Seph works in Mama Pia's Pizzeria. He sometimes works the register, and some other times he delivers pizza. 
  • He uses a wolf kemonomimi form when he works. He also uses a spell to hide the energy radiatinng from his body. 
  • Most of his coworkers hate him because of his prideful aura, but he is always bugged by this one coworker of his named Ishi.
  • Seph only got the job because he used magic to manipulate the boss into accepting him. 


  • Seph is a unique creature. He, along with Will, is the son of 'The Source', meaning that they can generate their own magical energy, but in smaller amounts when compared to The Source. This separates him from others, since only The Source has the ability to generate this kind of energy. 
  • Unlike The Source though, he can wield this power. His physicality comes from his father, who was the King of the Lands. 
  • This makes Sephoris very, very powerful. He generates energy, AND has the ability to use it. 
  • He can do a lot of things with this power: control elements, telekinesis, curse people, transform living things, teleport, fly, conjure some stuff, etc.
  • He can kill people with his power, but he cannot give them life. 
  • When given an immense amount of energy (from Allan, The Source), he can leap through time... only backwards though, and he cannot go very far. 
  • Whenever he has to fight monsters / cursed creatures, he stops time in order to protect the people around from the monster's magic. 


  • Allantois - Allan is the reincarnation of his mother, who used to be The Source. He treats Al as his mom sometimes, like trying to do his best at chores or tattling to him whenever he and Rye would fight. He calls him 'Fal-halah' which means 'mother' in his language, but Al doesn't know this and assumes that this  is just another version of his name. 
  • Chorion - They have the relationship of siblings. If Rye messes up, Seph scolds him or tattles to Al. However, Rye spends time teaching Seph to play games, and Seph tells Rye stories about the old, magical worlds. Rye also sometimes helps him when he makes his potions. When the 4 of them go grocery shopping, Rye and Seph separate from Al and Memo to go and get all the chips and drinks they like. 
  • Memori - Memo is Seph's butler, nanny, 2nd father, guardian, etc. Memo dotes around Seph and keeps on telling him what to do and not to do, and he makes sure that the prince is eating healthy stuff. Seph gets sick of Memo being too clingy though, so Memo had to give him some space and get used to being away from the prince. Memo soon realizes that Seph is not the baby boy he used to carry; he can take care of himself with no problem. 
  • Ishmael - Ishmael used to train Seph on how to fight with both the sword and magic, back when Seph was still a kid. However because of an extremely important mission, he had to leave the boy. After the most dangerous time leap into the extremely distant future, he encounters Seph again, but this time as a coworker in a pizza house. He disguised himself and Seph did too, plus both of them hid their powers with spells, so they did not recognize each other. As a coworker, Ishmael is annoys him the same way Memo does (clingy AF).
  • Juniper - 
  • Willow - 
  • Yael -