Lord Lauric



4 years, 29 days ago


As a fae, it only made sense that Lauric was expected to inherit the abilities of two great leading healers within the kingdom he lived in, especially considering the fact his mother had been a Director in one of the top 3 hospitals within the city and his father was street-renowned for tending to people who were injured over in the slums.

Instead, he was showing no signs of having any ability, and the older he got, the more he became the subject of torment from his peers, to the point he thought he would have to prove himself just to feel like he had any worth.

Instead, all that waited for him in following his father one day in secret, was an illegal underground fighting ring and going missing for 15 months, causing quite the stir and manhunt for what had been little more than a 12 year old fae child in what should’ve been a peaceful place to live.

The boy that would return had been on death's door when they found him, and all the healing in the world couldn’t fix the extensive damage done to his body and arm and left him quite mutilated, but he wouldn’t talk about it, even long after the ones responsible had been brought to justice and the underground circuit was closed for good.

He would jerk away from physical touch, and given the sorry state his body was in, he made little to no effort to fly on his own, barely ate, and sleeping was almost impossible.

It took an outlet, one bad day and a final straw, for Lauric to start really living again. Looking out his window and seeing a kid being bullied, Lauric jumped into action and rushed out the door.

Did he win? No. Did he help the other boy? Also, no.
But what he ended up doing was making a really grateful, decent friend.
One that started him on the road to doing something decent with what he’d been dealt, and years later Lauric was well-known for being one of the more terrifying fighters in the area, and he only used it to protect others, never for any personal vendetta.

It was this notoriety that got him hired at his current job, where despite only having 1 arm, he’s more than adept at his job and easily earns his paycheck every time.