Kasper Finjónsson



7 years, 5 months ago


fluffylink by saltysauce
★ 19 ⦁ male ♂ ⦁ demiheterosexual ⚤ ⦁ icelandic ★

aquarius - february 5th - doesn't speak english

Kasper tends to be quiet and keeps mostly to himself. He is intelligent and sympathetic and cares deeply about nature and animals. To people. he can come across as somewhat distant and stoic. He is a bit of an introvert and prefers to be outside by himself and only surrounded by nature. He is very gentle but enigmatic and easily masks his thoughts and emotions behind a mask no one ever suspects. He finds most of his happiness in nature, enjoying the peace and quiet and the beautiful Icelandic scenery. He only speaks Icelandic and has never been very interested in learning to speak any other language despite how beneficial it would be. He tends to be quite stubborn and will generally only want to do things his way. He doesn't like listening to others or being questioned and that's mostly why he prefers to spend his time alone.

Kasper most enjoys the beautiful scenery of his home country, Iceland, and especially loved the mountains and the northern lights. He loves the snow and especially adores puffins. He likes a book and a warm drink to keep him warm when it gets particularly cold and whenever he spends time indoors. He doesn't really enjoy talking or having to interact with people and he especially hates loud noises, large crowds and loud people. He prefers the cold weather over the warm and has a bit of a dislike for cats.