


4 years, 1 month ago


[Duša is pronounced "Doosh-ah," it means soul in Croatian]

Age: Over 10 Millennia 

Gender: Gender Neutral (they/them) 

Size: 25ft, with a 60-65ft wingspan, the primary set is 65ft, and the secondary set is 32.5ft.
(Note: Duša’s wingspan is so incredibly large because they live deep within the crevasses of the earth. Even with four wings, there is no air current to lift them up. To compensate for this, their wings are incredibly large and powerful to catch on even the stillest air, with two smaller wings to help with mobility whilst in the air to get them up off the ground, as well up and out of the rift.) 

Sexuality: Asexual (in their culture, gender is not a defining concept. A dragon typically is known  by their ranking and service. When first introducing a dragon, the rank will be first considered, not the gender.)

Race: Dragon

Language: While Duša speaks many languages, their primary or first tongue is Old Navūnic, colloquially called Caverncall around Wrelos. As the name suggests, Caverncall is primarily utilized by creatures who dwell deep beneath the cliffs of the Oblivion Vale. They also speak Olden draconic, Newspeak Draconic, as well as offspeak/Oracle. Elderspeak is an old healer tongue, but nearly lost to the continent of Wrelos. Due to their understanding of many languages, they have been coined the title"Elderteeth" among their tribe.

Powers: cannot spit fire, as most dragons are able to. Instead, a blue/white steam seeps from their mouth; as they are too cold of body to produce any flame. They can produce enough of this steam to create a thick fog that envelopes the area around them, as a tactical advantage. However, to make up for lack of breath Duša possesses incredible mind-based powers. They can foresee the future of an individual up to a thousand years ahead, sometimes more. (Oddly enough they cannot foresee their own future. It is only darkness.) They can sneak into the dreams of sleeping creatures, and they can push little whispers and ‘tugs’ at the mind to influence another creature. Duša can speak multiple languages, and because of their keen mind; they always know what time it is. Duša also possesses an anti-magic gaze that disintegrates any magic within their field of vision for about 20 seconds.

Their claws are icy cold and serrated, and Duša likes to seep their secondary claws in poison, to once again make up for the lack of fire in their veins. However, Duša’s teeth, saliva, and tongue are naturally acidic. As where they are from results in the need to burn through the skin of prey. 

Duša is also a healer, and very familiar with herbal remedies and such. 

Personality: Cheekish, shy, endlessly gentle and mysterious. Duša often visit other lands, and is quite obviously a foreigner. This leads to their eccentric colors and ambiguous personality to stand out amongst the crowd. Duša is as blunt as a dagger, their sharp words can pierce even the thickest of hides.  While they stand out noticeably, they can melt into shadow and vanish completely from sight. Duša tends to err on the side of caution, as they’ve been mauled, and betrayed before. (Thus the scars.)

History: Duša was the shaman of their hive. They were one of the most powerful dragons in their nest, being the healer and kahuna of every dragon under them. They were high ranking, considered to be the second in command under The King Under The Earth. Duša’s position is called the Speaker of Worms. They and the King Under the Earth work side by side to provide, protect, and lead their colony. 

Terrain: Duša is from an unknown continent called “Wrelos” in the far, far northern in the corner of the world. Their colony lives between the cracks of a dead, cold region known as The Oblivion Vale in The Njörþrima Province. Duša and their kin are some of the only known inhabitants to dwell beneath the blackened surface of the Vale so far from Dewfell Citadel, the capital city of the Vale. To the southwest lie the arid desert of The Slumbering Fields of the Eirskveig Province, a sea of dunes accompany the capital of Dustgulch Fort. The fields are a parched wasteland where giants and other large desolate creatures slumber. To the northwest, The Niz’erst Isles of the Infernal Province. The Oakentide Stronghold situated near the edge of the Niz’erst isles holds back the demonic forces threatening to slink out of  the whirlpool that consumes the center of the broken isles. Slowly consuming it. The Broiling Coast marks the Northernmost sea, the waters tainted by the demonic ash of the Niz’erst Isles slowly succumbs to the bitter frost of the Vakrune Taiga, province of Hjaalmöld. The Windgash Sea separates the Taiga from the Vale, Hoarfrost Keep watches over the frozen tundra. To the East, the snow capped mountains eventually settle into  a deciduous forest, which then sinks its rolling hills to a deep marshland; Beylfermoor, the province of Nantino. The capital of Mossgulf Hold lies somewhere among the mist and grimy waters of the Beylfermoor. Separating three continents- The Vale, The Fields, and Beylfermoor is a large, black puddle of sea called The Deadtide Lake. Never moving, never stirring, it is always still. The Deadtide Lake very much embodies its name.