
Eriopis literally means "her with the lovely hair". Eriopis, in mythology, was a daughter of Apollo, the Classical Hellenic god of the sun. Eriopis was the full sister of Asclepius, god of healing.

Obviously, Apollo fits just from the sun god link, but I think he fits further, due to the dark sort of colours being streaked through like that? To me it looks a little like a flurry of something falling down, and Apollo was also an archery god, who was said to strike down arrows at people to make them ill in a flurry. To me that fits the aesthetic fairly well, of having a bit of a darker side to the sun motif!

But equally, I like that Eriopis specifically fits closely together with Asclepius, a god of the precise opposite thing. There's a bit more positivity there.

Eriopis further fits thanks to her design - look at that tail! That definitely fits the meaning.

There was also a second Eriopis who was the daughter of Jason and Medea. Jason was the guy who brought back the golden fleece to protect his city, and Medea was a powerful sorceress blessed with magic. Again, I think this fits well, particularly with the link to Medea.

When Eria was very little, she used to have a little private game she'd play with herself, where she'd try to walk around normally without leaving the shadows. Specifically, every footstep had to fall into shadows. Her backlegs weren't really an issue. Those paws could just step into the shadow of their attached limbs.
It was also pretty easy to play this game when walking with a friend who wasn't playing, because she could just walk along on one side of them without stepping into the sunĀ once, and easily move around them if they changed direction. Trying to get multiple friends to play at once frequently resulted in Eria being told off by her parents when she was very small; being very competitive, Eria had no shame in starting little wrestling bouts in order to win her game.

Eria's very competitive and a little arrogant, but her heart is solidly in the right place. She's very friendly and bubbly, and she wants to help other people feel awesome about themselves too - as awesome as she feels about herself.
She's quick to defend her sibling, certainly, but that competitiveness carries over. It's just that she'll compete on her sibling's behalf if anyone threatens them. She was determined to be the Golden Child growing up, with her insistence on looking perfect only stopping if that would end up hurting her sibling.
She can make a game out of anything, and when anyone else joins in, she quickly becomes overly competitive. She can seem to accept a loss okay, but she's quickly coming up with an excuse for a rematch or a technicality in which she actually won.
She's very physically active too, loving to run or swim or climb things. Eria's almost like a greyhound; you get a few hours of ridiculous energy levels, and then she'll want to sleep for the rest of the afternoon.