


4 years, 1 month ago



Age Unknown


Void's Child



  • Mask doubles as magic focus
  • In most cases, would rather die than take their mask off
  • Very jumpy and wary of strangers
  • Wears whatever's on hand, whether or not it's theirs

Design Notes

  • Please don't draw xem without xer mask unless I tell you it's okay!
  • Eyes and magic leakage look like static hazing out from the area--use effects/perlin noise accordingly
  • Can be drawn in a variety of clothing, but xe doesn't like super flashy stuff--Clothing always completely covers torso


(See Tally's lore tab for extra info)

Because Comfrey originated with a somewhat species non-specific body, they had a difficult time finding refuge anywhere before they joined their magic commune. While there, they met Tally, and shortly after initiated a formal relationship with zem.

One evening while sitting a short distance from the main commune alone, Comfrey was attacked by another group of magic-practicers. They believed that they could use the magic-rich parts of Void's Children in order to perform more powerful magic, and left Comfrey to bleed out once harvesting their eyes and some of their blood.

Tally finds their body some time later, and attempts to perform an incredibly difficult and magic-intensive spell to revive them. While it works in that aspect, it also leaves their wounds leaking magic instead of being fully healed. In order to make others more comfortable around xem, xey began to wear a mask to hide their uncannily magic-bleeding eyes.

As a result of the whole affair, Comfrey is very distrusting of others who aren't close to them. They adopt a fight-first-ask-questions-later approach to weapons, routinely destroying anything that they aren't warned about the presence of beforehand. They continue to search for a solution to their and Tally's desire to return to the immaterial plane.